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Who remembers being caned at school?

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do you remember ever being caned at school or getting slippered

i did many a time in front of all the school

what did you get caned for :hihi:


i went to springfield school 1943-53 the first time i was caned i was 8 years old that was for supposedly running back to class after playtime i ask you who would risk the cane running back to class, now running away from class yes, i think i did well reaching eight, one had the cane at five and his name in the head teachers little black book i'm not saying we were angels but ernest had it more than most in fact i remember him getting the cane from one teacher and the cane broke, the teacher sent ernest across the road to fetch a new one, it was a charlie chaplin type walking stick cane the shop stocked a bundle of them. the same teacher in the next year (we had him for two years on the trot)started giving us the slipper. i met him some thirty years after i left school and asked him about teaching and he said he'd stopped some 12 years before as the children had no respect and wanted to do what they wanted.the ernest i wrote about earlier when in the class of mrs taylor we were about 11years old at the time, she wanted to write our lesson on the blackboard, it was one of the swing over type, well while she was behind writing, ernest was asked to keep his eye's on the class, like ernest he started to make the class giggle and the teacher swung the board over hitting ernest on the top of his head cracking the blackboard, i saw that teacher throw anything ,her bunch of keys,board rubber, anything was fair game for her.

Edited by willybite
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The only time I was ever caned at Nether Edge Grammar School was when I received four of the best for smoking in the schoolyard. This was more an affront to my dignity as I was 17 years of age. I might add that I have been a non-smoker for many years now - (1971) but that dose of capital punishment had no bearing on it.



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Punishments In School 1959-69.


I was on the receiving end of physical punishments at my schools, I was caned, slippered, hit at back of my head with flat hand and knuckles, pushed in the back, been shaken, and have had my ears twisted and boxed on many occasions but the worst was the psychological games some teachers played. The punishments were for offences like :- Being late, tripping people up, dropping water filled Johnnies onto people from first floor windows, smoking, whistling in corridors, backchat, firing inkpellets, use of peashooter, farting in class, putting drawing pins on chairs, deliberately slamming desk lid, hitting teacher with snowball, hand up girls skirt, eating in class, throwing food at dinner time, tying classroom door handle to cloakroom rack preventing anyone getting out , high falutin pranks and worst of all (and I still feel ashamed now 42 years later) cheering with three others to the announcement in assembly that a disliked teacher had died overnight. I also received detentions and lines as well. Strange as it may seem to you I was a good lad and didn't bully, fight, or thieve at school, I just didn't care much for authority and didn't like to see teachers who were nearly twice as tall as a child and 3 times the weight of a child beating them with a cane, it was like a daily dose of faschism. Most frustrating is when I got punished for something I hadn't done and only received the whack because of my reputation. Caning never stopped me challenging the classroom bullies, namely the teachers. Most of my teachers were nice persons and a sharp word was enough for me to behave. Years later when I became a parent I promised myself never to raise my hand to my offspring and I didn't let myself down. Beating is wrong because it can become a habit and then get out of hand as I noticed at school and at home from my mother! Below is a list of my schools and the sentences I received. (U)= undeserved and (D)= deserved, deserved means I was in the wrong but detention or lines would have sufficed most of the time.


Rainbow Forge Infants School = Zero Punishments


Birley Spa Junior School - 7

Mr Rawlings 2X slipper (D).

Mr Wilson 1X clout at back of head (D)

Mr Williams 3X leg slapping (U), 1X rounders bat (U), psycho terror, scared of him and my most hated teacher!


Carter Lodge Secondary School - 11

Mr Croft 2X cane (D).

Mr Rodgers 1X cane (D).

Mr Kirk 2X slapped legs (U), during P.E and 1X slipper (U) - third most hated teacher.

Mr 'Noddy' Fretwell 2X ruler on knuckles (U) and 3X knuckle on back of head (U).


Birley Secondary Modern School low estimate 24

Mr Matthews 1X plimsoll (D) and 1X table tennis bat (D) (left an interesting pattern).

Mr Knox 1X pulling of sideboards (D) downstairs, along corridor to headmasters office.

Mr Harry Lines - low est:- 20X cane -est. 12 (D), 8(U). Lines hated me for reasons that I won't go into, used psycho terror - my second most hated teacher. I refused to let him break me.


Hurlfield Comprehensive School 7

Mr Battams 1X slipper (D).

Mr Houdmont 3X cane (D).

Mr Turton 3X cane (D). My favourite teacher during my education.


These are the punishments I remember but there was more for sure.




well put ZAKES, spot on.

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My guess is that you are a much younger person than me and grown up under a Blair/Brown government where suing people became the norm.


Years ago we just got on with it...............and guess what ? I deserved to have the cane. If we had it today we might not have all the problems we have today.

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