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Who remembers being caned at school?

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I was strapped twice on both my palms with a thick leather strap.


This happened on the first day of high school by a Geography teacher called Mr Kleindings of Halifax Catholic High School (now St Catherine's Catholic High) back in the early 80's


He claimed that I'd laughed. I hadn't, and I strongly believe that he was solely making an example of me, as not a single pupil messed about in his lessons from that day forward.


There were many teachers whom took great pleasure in inflicting pain on their pupils but Kleindings was one of the worst. Just as abusive was Mad Jack Milner and Sister Maria.




A Catholic school into brutalising children?!


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I was slippered by the sadist who was our history teacher at prep school. I have completely forgotten what for, and am not sure I even knew at the time, it was probably just my turn.

The man used to carry around a size 13 plimsole sole (with no upper) in his briefcase. This he would beat boys with regularly, not stopping at 6 (or even sometimes 12) of the best, but continuing to thrash the child until he was howling uncontrollably.

More than 30 years later I still have no respect for the man or his methods.

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I have only been punished by teachers on three occasions

First time in the infants at Pye Bank School,maybe 6 or 7 yr old, a ruler accross my hands,(thankyou Mrs Hancock).

Second time in my first year at Chaucer School about 1968, a slipper across my backside,(thanks to PE teacher Mr Pearson),

and in the same year the good old cane, one stroke only on each hand,(thankyou Mr.Plant head teacher) I seem to recall that a Matthew Holmes and Robert England got the cane with me that day.

For kids today who wonder what its like to get the cane, watch the expression of hurt on the face of the kid Billy Casper in the film Kes.

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I was slippered, cuffed, had various objects such as chalk bounce off my cranium, and a ruler across the back of my hand, during my time at Gleadless County and at King Ted's. I certainly don't resent any of it - if I hadn't misbehaved I wouldn't have been punished.

Oddly enough I was never actually caned. Uncle Norman, the music master at King ted's, did take me outside the classroom to cane me once, but in fact he administered three stokes to the door handle instead of to me. He was a kindly fellow, from Ranmoor I think - at least my parents told me that he played the organ at a church in Ranmoor. I can't remember his surname.

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I was slippered, cuffed, had various objects such as chalk bounce off my cranium, and a ruler across the back of my hand, during my time at Gleadless County and at King Ted's. I certainly don't resent any of it - if I hadn't misbehaved I wouldn't have been punished.

Oddly enough I was never actually caned. Uncle Norman, the music master at King ted's, did take me outside the classroom to cane me once, but in fact he administered three stokes to the door handle instead of to me. He was a kindly fellow, from Ranmoor I think - at least my parents told me that he played the organ at a church in Ranmoor. I can't remember his surname.

It was Barnes,he tried to teach me....:D
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I've just remembered another occasion when I got caned - in the early 60's, I attended quite a famous, and very old fashioned, school in Belfast.

Established in the year dot, it was one of those schools where the masters still wore gowns and 'boards, you were taught Latin as a matter of course, and the school assembly hall featured wooden plaques honouring ex-pupils who had lost their lives in WW1, The Boer and Crimean conflicts, etc., etc.

To give you a taster, (and bear in mind that this was just into the 60's) you were supposed to wear your school uniform - black blazer and trousers, school tie, quartered yellow and black cap - at any time you were in the city, whether you be at school or not that day.

From memory, the school week also included Saturday mornings until noon.

On one occasion I lost my school cap, and after searching high-and-low for it, was forced to go to school without it.....and I got three cane strokes on each hand for the misdemeanor and 'bringing the school into disrepute'.

I'd only have been 11/12 at the time, and yes, I had taken a letter from my mum explaining matters!

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I got four from Mr Ruding at King Teds for going into the girls playground after being warned about it once before (only to retrieve our football, nothing else!). After that I avoided Mr Firth at the upper school at all costs - and I NEVER went in the girls playground again - ever! So it worked.


But in 1970 I lived in South Africa, Jo'burg, (Northview High School) and I once got the "Flaps" (a piece of sculptured tyre tread) for forgetting to bring my technical drawing instruments to class. Now that was bloody painful, I'll never forget it. And today, I'd like to meet the ...person.. who did it.

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When I was 8, the boy next to me in class was sent out of the room to be punished by someone other than the teacher. After a few minutes he came back and sat next to me, biting his lip and fighting back the tears. The fingers on one hand were badly bruised, swollen and bleeding. Had I known then what I know now, I would have pointed out this abuse to the teacher. The poor lad in question lost both parents in WW2 and lived with his grandparents. The image of this perverted brutality has remained with me for the last 56 years. The person responsible for administering the punishment carried on till reaching retirement age. How many more kids were abused, I shall never know.

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