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Who remembers being caned at school?

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At Woodbourne Road Juniors in 1967/68 I got the table tennis bat on the palm of my left hand 6 times in the privacy of the headmaster's office for being caught sneaking down the teacher's stairs passed their staffroom. Girls got the table tennis bat and boys got the slipper.

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I had the cane a few times.

In french lessons at sec mod (yes a catholic school) one teacher would cane practically the whole class, this was supposedly for not recalling last weeks learning, I now realise it was just to fill his time and save him planning a real learning experience.


Once at junior school, an old second world war army hut affair, the whole school (almost all the boys) were caned in the playground assembly by the head and his deputy. We had to admit who went on the golf course to repel another school who had crossed the links to taunt us as they had been given the day off so their school could be used for voting in some election. They through bricks, sticks and other stuff into our school. Most of the boys ran out to fight them and chase them off. It was like a minor war in those days, ours was a catholic and theirs was a non catholic school.

When we moved to the new school on the other side of the golf links (Netherton near Bootle) my maths teacher was Tom O' Connor he gave my brother the slipper a few times.

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Never had the cane before but when i was at school it was always the same kids that got it, all as stupid as f@@k and thought it was 'hard' when they were caned, bet they are still stupid as adults

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At King Ted's 3 times. Once from Jackson for reading a "Superman" comic when they'd been banned, once from Sharrock for doing a timetable in his Maths lesson, once from Elvis Vernon for "borrowing" 5 periodic tables from mates instead of copying mine 5 times.

2, 3, 5 strokes respectively all on the bum. ouch


Strangely enough, never got it from Charlie Baker, even though he was our form master and took absolute delight in caning as many boys as possible.

Edited by pitsmoorlad
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I got caned for been disruptive in class by the head teacher Mr Tingle (great name for a caner) at Ashleigh. I remember reaching over the desk and he lectured and strutted about the office flexing the cane etc.

He took a good few steps back took a run up, I braced thinking this is gonna be sore to receive the most delicate touch, after all the posturing I thought I was done for but a pleasant surprise I could still sit down comforably.

I also got the slipper on another occasion and that did hurt, those rippled soles fair left a mark on ya ass

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