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Ever seen a ghost?

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So if someone is "Picked" then theres a good chance that he or she will see the ghost more often in future...?
oh thanks a fooookin bunch for that mate, fill me with Confidence why dont ya?;)
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Yes I've seen two.


One was a woman dressed in an enormous dark green dress with her hair taken up - looked like something from the Victorian era with large pieces of jewellrey and lacey neckline on her dress. I was 19 at the time and saw her in my bedroom one evening. I gasped in shock and she just disappeared.


The second time was about year afterwards. Also in my bedroom (there must have been something about that room!). There was a young man with really blonde hair of about early 20's stood right at the bottom of my bed just looking at me. I sat bolt upright in my bed in shock. I couldn't see him beyond his knees because he was standing with his legs actually touching the end of my bed. He just looked at me and then turned around and kind of glided towards my wardrobe. It was at that point I noticed he only actually went down to the knees, there were no bottom bits to his legs. He then just slowly started to fade away from the knees upwards until there was just his head left - and then the head just went into my wardrobe.


:o god i would have died if id seen that.


i have seen and felt/heard lots of things in my old house. i saw a woman in my room when i was 16, it wasnt a full figure just sort of shadowy and just the top part. it scared the living hell out of me and i never slept in there again without a light on.


i am told my grandma used to see lots of things when she was alive including her dead mother and so many other ones. my mum wont tell me as she says its to bad! her old house has to be the most scarey place i have EVER been in, never flet comfortable in there it was horrible.

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I have always though that things happen for a reason.... my life has not been easy... heath etc, but you make the best of what you have.... i have always belived in something out there but, what? i dont know or understand.... why i should be picked to have seen what i saw.

All i know is this has changed my life... i am not scared but confused :confused: Im an atheist ... god or religion mean nothing to me.

But.... i dont understand what i saw... there was no logic to it??

i was there she was there... sh@t happens.

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Erm, people always say that if you see a ghost then it's because they have picked you for some specific reason. This might be true in some cases such as a relative coming back to see you or whatever, but there are always going to be times where you are going about your normal business in a public place and you just see one randomly.

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I couldn't see him beyond his knees because he was standing with his legs actually touching the end of my bed. He just looked at me and then turned around and kind of glided towards my wardrobe. It was at that point I noticed he only actually went down to the knees, there were no bottom bits to his legs. He then just slowly started to fade away from the knees upwards until there was just his head left - and then the head just went into my wardrobe.


Your second sighting seems very similar to my mother's sighting of a her great grandmother's ghost when she was a child.

She saw her a total of 2 times, on the first occassion the apparition actually spoke to her and her nanny! My mother also describes that she had no feet and glided across the room.

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