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Ever seen a ghost?

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most of the time if they appear to you its for a reason. Try asking what she wants in your mind as your falling asleep they tend to talk to you while your asleep its when your at your most receptive :)


yes i strongly agree with this, sometimes they just come to see you in your dreams and not let you see them as not to scare you


my late hubby had seen 2 ghosts at different times and felt a pressence of one around him


i have not seen one, well not that i know of but i have felt their presence


and one chased us out of my parents house when we were dating when it thought we were going to get up to things, we didnt see it but we sure knew it was there, probably one of my grandparents


my late hubby came to visit me in the way he said he would to prove that there was something after death. i had forgot about it at the time has it had been a few years ago when we had discussed dying and ghost. he said he would come back to me if he died first to let me know, i said to him at the time that i probably would not believe my eyes if i saw him after death as i had never seen a ghost and if i just heard him i may brush it aside as my imagination, he said he would do something else and i would definate know it was him.it realy spooked me out for days after it happened until i remembered

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i think i've seen a ghost but wasn't sure whether my mind was playing tricks on me. it wasn't particularly scarey but the tap on the shoulder I received around the same time when no one else was near, was pretty scarey. and, coincidentally, it felt like the tap of a little boy, which would correspond to what I think I saw.


i am 100 percent sure that i have felt ghosts. one was abroad and it seemed malicious, totally paralysed me for a while and it was a horrific experience (up until this time i did not believe in ghosts point blank). i reported it to the hotel reception the next morning to the hotel manager who could speak english, he wasn't letting anything slip but the helper on reception who didn't speak english well but could evidently understand almost everything who was standing at the side of the manager looked absolutely petrified, i can honestly say i don't think i've ever seen such a look of terror on someone's face, so obviously there must have been some history to the room i was in. it was such a terrible experience, that i was scared that the thing was actually gonna follow me home to england (thankfully - god willing - it doesn't seem to have!)


the other time was shortly after a relative of mine passed away and i knew it was him, i didn't see him but i could feel him and there was a 10 month old baby in his bouncer cradle who could obviously see him, or something, as his face lit up and he was playing with someone and giggling for the period i felt the presence.

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