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Ever seen a ghost?

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I have seen ghosts as per my previous thread but I have had addiitional experiences of 'unexplained things as well'.


A few years ago I was sat with my hubby and Mum in law in her house in Spain around the table in her entrance area, like a hallway combined with a lounge. We were sat chatting when there came three very loud and deliberate bangs from the inside of the door of the room next to us (which was at that point an empty bedroom about a year or so after my hubby's Grandma had died). We all looked at each other in shock as we knew there was no one in there. After about 10 minutes the same thing happened again. I went to the room, pushed open the door - it was empty and the window was closed firmly. ????


Also on same visit they were having some work done in the downstairs kitchen. One night I could hear the workmen banging and chiseling away. I ased my Mum in law the next day why they were working so late through the night. She told me they weren't!! ........ But she had also heard the banging and chiseling. At first it really freaked me out but now I'm used to it as I have had other experiences in her house over the years and she is a bit 'that way' (she sees things too), so now I just accept it. By the way - the banging on the bedroom door was nothing to do with the builders. They had finished the job and were no longer in the house by then!

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I was working the nights and at the end of the shift when I was setting the alarm, I saw standing at the right hand side of me what appeared to be a boy. It disappeared as I turned my attention back to the alarm.

But quite a few people have seen and heard strange things in this building.


It was called Dowerhill on Gateford road going into Worksop. Now its the Sea Cadets.


There was one room which had its main light switch at the far end of the room. So when I was closing up for the night, I had to switch the lights off and then walk back through the room in the dark. There was always this feeling of being watched, and sometimes i would run back through the room, and I felt like something was chasing me!!


Glad I left that job.

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Iv had quite a few (what i believe to be) ghostly encounters-


-I was at my grandads bedside as he died, the second he took his last breath I looked up and saw him stood there smiling at me and my grandma, I smiled back and then he was gone.


-About 6 years ago an elderly woman I knew died, I was in my bathroom brushing my teeth and someone tapped me really hard on the shoulder, I turned around and no one was there!


-When my dad died 4 years ago, me my mum and younger brothers and sisters (even the 3 year olds) were all acting a little strange around the house. When we spoke to each other about it we all said that we felt like my dad was there in the house with us. I'm not sure if that was just a comfort thing or what, guess il never know!

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i thought i saw a ghost once, it was about 20 years ago and i'd gone to stay in a cottage at matlock with my friend...(she lived in a childrens home back then) we were staying there for a few nights.

One night we had a bonfire outside but it went down after a couple of hours so most of them went back inside. As i was about to go back inside too i looked at the bonfire and it flared back up, so inbetween looking at the bonfire and looking through the kitchen window (to tell them that the fire had come back up now they'd all gone inside) i saw an old man in a dark checked suit with a cap on, as i saw him he was sideways on, and i only got a glimpse. It was dark so only had the fire light, but my eyes did focus on him. I told the others what i saw but i because i'd said he had a bald head and a cap on, they decided not to beleive me, like..."how do you know he had a bald head if he had a cap on?...but i could see as the cap was right on top of his head and i could see the sides.

Ive not seen anything since and i was never really afraid but i wish i could turn the clock back just so that i could have a better look.

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My favorite cat Raffles was ripped to pieces by a greyhound some years ago a traumatic thing to witness and I was really upset about it as you can probably imiagine, but the night after he was killed, I woke up and for a brief moment, saw him walk across the foot of my bed - I was definitely awake, not dreaming. After that, I felt he was at peace and I was no longer distraught- never saw him again.

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My brother died when he was 21. He knew that I didn't like him smoking. A few weeks after his accident, I started being "haunted" by the smell of cigarette smoke. I would be able to pass through a column of the smell, turn round and pass through it on the other side. It would be in unused rooms when I went in, in the car when I was alone and driving in places where there were no other vehicles, houses or pedestrians. Once, I even tasted it at the back of my own throat, as though I'd just inhaled from a newly lit gigarette! Several years after it started and I thought I'd got used to it, late one night, on the day after my father-in-law died and I was on my own ,I smelt it again .However, this time, I actually saw it, hanging like a small cloud in the corner of the room. I'm afraid I found myself saying out loud "Don't do this anymore. I'm scared" It never came again.

Not long after my father-in-law passed away I went to join my husband in bed. He had gone to bed an hour before and was fast asleep. When I went in the room it smelt very strongly of the fragrant tobacco my f-i-l used to smoke in his pipe. Neither my husband or myself have ever smoked.
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Like baileys_mum I see them quite a lot, and have done for as long as I can remember... I'm getting better at 'not seeing them'..lol or not letting the realise that I have... coz they come and talk to me... and sometimes it's not what you really want/need ... :)

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was in this house i'm in now and it was quiet freaky. Was sat bleeding the radiator in the bathroom and sat on the bath edge looking into the lads bedroom as he sleeps with door open. Anyways i say a man in a gray suit with a waist coat on with a flower in his button hole bend over the kids bed. I ran down and told the missus :confused:


She asked did he have this that and other on and i said yes, she told me her dad got burried in that :huh: , I've never met her dad dead or alive.... spooky


My lad has also had some scarry nights in that room aswell. Found him screaming huddle in a corner pointing at the wall,hidden under blankets,will not have door closed. he's fine at anybody elses homes :huh:


i've also seen heads pop around the landing wall in a blacky shape, banging and hammering even though no ones else is in the house.


We put a dream catcher up on the landing and how cheesey this may sound but it's all stopped now.

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