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Ever seen a ghost?

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There are many differing beliefs in ghosts, spirits, poltergeists etc around the world. One of the more spine-tingling beliefs is that of the muslims who believe in a race that live with us, who walk and talk around us - the next dimension.


In Islam the belief is that the only 'ghosts' that wander amongst us are what are known as the 'Djinn'. These are also known as the invisibles or the fourth dimension. The Djinn are believed to be all around us like the spirits of those not at rest and can show themselves wherever they want, at any time and in any form.


If anyone has ever seen a film called 'Long time dead' ( a very scary British film ) they deal with these beings after calling them in from a ouija board.

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when we first moved into our house about a year ago we were sat on the sofa and the tv remote was on the other side of the room and the tv changed channels so i changed it back and it changed itself back to the other channel without anyone touching it.


I live next door to you and own the same make of television. Every now and then i go out into your garden with my remote and change your tv channels just to annoy you.


Hope that clears it up!

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when we first moved into our house about a year ago we were sat on the sofa and the tv remote was on the other side of the room and the tv changed channels so i changed it back and it changed itself back to the other channel without anyone touching it.

Sounds like you needed the attentions of a TV repair bloke rather than a ghostbuster.

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