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Heeley Memories

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Originally posted by DUFFEMS

Hi everybody,we have just joined the site and are interested in the Heeley chit chat !!


We are both from Heeley, Albert Road and Alexandra Road, and prior to these Upper Valley Road. We too attended Annes Road School [as an annexe to Carrfield ] and Carrfield Schools.


Your ramblings bring back many memories for us. I delivered the morning papers from Gregory Road and the evening papers from Albert Road for Colley.


As a "courting couple" we used to meet at Stayley's Newsagents on Forster Road.


I too remember Paul Heathcote, he lived at 1, court one, Cambridge Road, next door to Hazel Jepson who was at school with us.


Incidentally, on a former message someone mentioned Mike Greatbatch, my wife is interested in the surname as she has a family link.


The sarsaparilla shop on Heeley Green was owned by Mr. Greathead, does anyone remember Pop's drink shop on Abbeydale Road just before Abbeydale Cinema.

yes i remember the drink shop very well we used to go there for sarsaparilla whenever we went to heeley baths it was very good with a real froth on top like beer .
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Originally posted by DUFFEMS

Hi everybody,we have just joined the site and are interested in the Heeley chit chat !!


We are both from Heeley, Albert Road and Alexandra Road, and prior to these Upper Valley Road. We too attended Annes Road School [as an annexe to Carrfield ] and Carrfield Schools.


Your ramblings bring back many memories for us. I delivered the morning papers from Gregory Road and the evening papers from Albert Road for Colley.


As a "courting couple" we used to meet at Stayley's Newsagents on Forster Road.


I too remember Paul Heathcote, he lived at 1, court one, Cambridge Road, next door to Hazel Jepson who was at school with us.


Incidentally, on a former message someone mentioned Mike Greatbatch, my wife is interested in the surname as she has a family link.


The sarsaparilla shop on Heeley Green was owned by Mr. Greathead, does anyone remember Pop's drink shop on Abbeydale Road just before Abbeydale Cinema.

I lived on Forster Rd & I used to have a Horlicks at Pops drink shop,I hate sarsaparilla horrible stuff.my best mate lived on Gregory Shaun Shackleton across from the boards.

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Originally posted by tosh13

I lived on Forster Rd & I used to have a Horlicks at Pops drink shop,I hate sarsaparilla horrible stuff.my best mate lived on Gregory Shaun Shackleton across from the boards.


We do not remember Shaun Shackleton, what age would he be ?


I remember Richard Bamford from the corner shop on Plantation and Thirlwell Road.

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Originally posted by DUFFEMS

We do not remember Shaun Shackleton, what age would he be ?


I remember Richard Bamford from the corner shop on Plantation and Thirlwell Road.

duffems what years were you in heeley i lived there till early 60s
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Originally posted by DUFFEMS

We do not remember Shaun Shackleton, what age would he be ?


I remember Richard Bamford from the corner shop on Plantation and Thirlwell Road.

I would say he would be about 46 know.

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Originally posted by tinker

duffems what years were you in heeley i lived there till early 60s

I lived on Forster Rd number 21 from 1956 to 1975,we to the Manor when they started to knock down the houses.

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Hi again,

We both attended Carrfield Schools as we both lived on Upper Valley Road . We later moved to Alexandra Road & Albert Road respectively and still attended Carrfield Secondary but were sent to Anns Road which had an Annexe for the overspill from Carrfield. In 1962 when Carrfield closed down we went to Newfield Boys and wifey (cleverclogs) to Brincliffe Grammar School. Wife lived next door to George Bowers milkman on Alexandra Road and I lived next door to Frank Wornes milkman on Albert Road, he was always in the pub , a very obvious sign was his three-wheeler bike with the milkcrate-front parked outside! We moved from Heeley when we married in 1970.

We remember Drakes shop on Anns Road, Drakey had 2 daughters who went to school with us.The other local shops we recall are Thorntons greengrocers, Beets greengrocers (corner of Alexandra & Anns Road) Woolhouses newsagents on Anns Road, Schofields barbers whose son went to school with us and many more! Spent many an hour walking up and down 49 steps, cross Plantation Road and up past the Shakespeare when "courting" as it was then and also many a cold snog in passages!

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Hi Mike Greatbatch,

Just wondered whether you know of any connection between the Greatbatch family and Goodison family (also from Heeley, Prospect Road/Florence Place ) in the1920's. The reason for my interest is that my father (no longer alive) was the illegitimate son of Ethel Goodison (married name Wildgoose of Florence Place ) and was adopted by Thomas & Elizabeth Greatbatch when Ethel died when he was only 5weeks old.

In consequence, I was a Greatbatch 'til I married and I have never been able to find the connection between Heeley and Crookes where his "adopted" parents lived. I have tried genealogy searches but 1923 is still recent history.Please don't feel obliged to reply as someone may still have some skeletons in cupboards but it's something which has always intrigued me as a Greatbatch (who dislikes the name!).

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Hi Duffems,

there is a link between me and the Greatbatches in Crookes but as I said, I have very little personal knowledge of my fathers side of the family, his name was Ron by the way.

What I do have is a Greatbatch family tree compiled by a very keen lady in Stoke ( which seems to be the origin of Greatbatches ). I could make you a copy if you're interested?

regards Mick.

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Hi Chumpy,


How very kind of you to reply and thanks for the offer of a copy, I would like to take you up on that. I do know that my father's "adopted" father was Thomas Greatbatch and his mother was Elizabeth (nee Hayes ) as I have their marriage certificate. They had no children and, as Elizabeth was about 56 when they adopted my dad, I really cannot understand why, especially as they lived in Crookes and my dad was from Florence Place in Heeley (no longer there but I remember it from when I was a child in Heeley). My dad didn't have a birth certificate,again, I don't know why, just a baptism certificate but it's in his Greatbatch name. When I lived in Heeley ('til 1970) I can't remember any other Greatbatches and I really used to get a lot of stick about the name so I was glad to get rid of the name which I always thought didn't belong to me anyway! Sorry to be insulting about your surname and in later years when I explored it's origin I think you can be quite proud of it as it has a lot of good connections with the pottery industry. Anyway, sorry to ramble but thought I'd fill you in on why I'm trying to find the Goodison/Greatbatch connection. Many thanks,Duffem.

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