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Heeley Memories

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Originally posted by Applegrim

Still on the subject of Anns Road School, as you all know it was on Hartley Street, can any of you remember the shop on the corner Hartley Street/Sturge Street, that sold lolly's, Lucky Lolly sticks, he made them himself, and on the part of the stick under the lolly, he stamped his name, and if you got one he'd give you another free, this must have been the original B.O.G.O.F.

Thinking back about names, does Shirley Cooper,Robert Nelson,Peter Thompson, Alan Reaney, Derek Land, Mary Mitchell, Cynthia Flint,Linda savage, Shirley Tingle, Pat Brightmore,Linda Monks, Susan marshall, Brenda hill, Valerie Dunn,Graham Jepson, Alan Rose,Pat Johnson,Ann Islip,ring any bells, and can anyone think of anymore?Where are they all now

Well I knew all those people you mention so who are you ?

I'm Pat Johnson and I too remember the lucky lollies.

I also recall Sylvia Croft, Sylvia Russell, Maureen Walmsley, Ann Mettam, George Hewitt, Tony Jepson, Tony Robertson, Keith Hopkinson and Roger Abrahams. I saw John Pashley and Valerie Dunn when I was over there and visited Heeley last year. After all this time I would still have picked them out easily, even away from Heeley. I believe both Susan Marshall and Maureen Walmsley passed on quite young, very sad !

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Originally posted by Applegrim

Hi Mikey, yes your right on both counts, Drakes at the corner of Anns Road and Spencer Road, Mitchells chippy was on Spencer road just below Anns Road on the right going down.


Mary Mitchell was in my class all the way through school at Anns Road. Anyone know her whereabouts these day ?

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myself and my sister left Heeley about 1955 but my uncle on my fathers side lived near the roundhouse on Gleadless rd for years, and his wife still lives there now.

I had an aunty Ginny who lived at the top of the road which goes up the side of the roundhouse, there used to be allotments up there and she lived opposite them at the far end of the road, don't know if she was a real auntie, but that's what we called her.

I'll do you a copy of the family tree, there's pictures and all sorts of stuff, and I'll come back on here for your address.

regards Mick.

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  • 4 months later...
Originally posted by keithgreen50


i attended annes rd 1958-64 then newfield boys 1964-68,lived in tillotson rd till 1966

Hi Keith did you know the Lockwoods who lived near the top of Tillotson Road & the Bullens Susan & Andy (Butch) Bullen.I lived on Forster Road.

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Originally posted by DUFFEMS

Hi everybody,we have just joined the site and are interested in the Heeley chit chat !!


We are both from Heeley, Albert Road and Alexandra Road, and prior to these Upper Valley Road. We too attended Annes Road School [as an annexe to Carrfield ] and Carrfield Schools.


Your ramblings bring back many memories for us. I delivered the morning papers from Gregory Road and the evening papers from Albert Road for Colley.


As a "courting couple" we used to meet at Stayley's Newsagents on Forster Road.


I too remember Paul Heathcote, he lived at 1, court one, Cambridge Road, next door to Hazel Jepson who was at school with us.


Incidentally, on a former message someone mentioned Mike Greatbatch, my wife is interested in the surname as she has a family link.


The sarsaparilla shop on Heeley Green was owned by Mr. Greathead, does anyone remember Pop's drink shop on Abbeydale Road just before Abbeydale Cinema.

I used to enjoy my Horlicks before going into see a film I hated Sasi it tasted awful.I also lived at 21 Forster Road with my 3 brothers & 1 sister.

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Hello everyone from Heeley!

My dad was from Heeley, he lived on View Road, opposite Taggy's (best ice cream ever). He lived next door to Bill Makinson who with his father used to sell fruit and vegetables from a horse and cart! My dad sometimes used to help him on a Friday night. They were still using the horse and cart in the late 50's, I can just remember it. The horse's name was Grey Joe (the rhings we remember eh?) My grandfather lived on Biew Road and then had to move because they were pulling the houses down. He moved to Sturge Street. In the early 70's there was a gas expl;osion in the house next door and there house was badly damaged. They then moved to a house further up the street and then in the old folks bungalows on Gleadless Road. My grandad used to write poetry and had it published in CAMRA. He also used to play bowls at Meersbrook Park and play whist and bridge. Does anyone remember him. His name was Leonard Proctor otherwise known as Paddy!:) :)

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I used to work for the fruit & veg guy just down from Staley's & the Laundrette,I used to go around with him in his van & ring a bell shouting Tata's,I cannot remember the guy's name it was so long ago ,getting old.

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