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Heeley Memories

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I haven't read all these threads but has anybody mentioned Teggers or Taggers icecream near Healy Bottom. You could knock on the front door of the house and buy their home made stuff.

Bye the way ctr960 - I live in S. Wales now too.

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I haven't read all these threads but has anybody mentioned Teggers or Taggers icecream near Healy Bottom. You could knock on the front door of the house and buy their home made stuff.

Bye the way ctr960 - I live in S. Wales now too.


TAGGY's was the ice cream company, at heeley. It's been fondly mentioned quite prolifically on here, already. Their road ran between Ann's Road School, and Richards Road. they are immortallised now, as the field at Heely City Farm where their premises stood is now christened "Taggy's Field"


Their ice cream was the best, bar none, it really was.



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Hi everyone.


I've just stumbled across this thread so a quick introduction.


I was born in 51 & went to Annes Road School, lived bang opposite at 147 Gleadless Rd with my brother & sister - that was the bakery shop.


So was bang in the middle of Staleys, Mrs Moss's etc. Couple of the names already mentioned I remember. Amy Mortons - aaaaah!


Give me a shout please, would be nice to remember old times.


Ps to Tosh - I had to use a different login name. On all the boards I use thats the name I use. Coincidence.


Hitone (aka Tosh)

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Hi everyone.


I've just stumbled across this thread so a quick introduction.


I was born in 51 & went to Annes Road School, lived bang opposite at 147 Gleadless Rd with my brother & sister - that was the bakery shop.


So was bang in the middle of Staleys, Mrs Moss's etc. Couple of the names already mentioned I remember. Amy Mortons - aaaaah!


Give me a shout please, would be nice to remember old times.


Ps to Tosh - I had to use a different login name. On all the boards I use thats the name I use. Coincidence.


Hitone (aka Tosh)

Hi Hitone1 I used to live at 21 forster road ,bang opposite amy mortons,with my 3 brother & 1 sister.

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Hi, a couple of the names mentioned sent me spiralling back in time.


You must have lived near to the Siddall's? Oooops just re-read the board. You are a Siddall, remember Mick & John well. I was one of the little gang that gathered. Think I was one of the quiet un-noticed one. Went through school the same way :-) Made up for it since.


Also from your posts, near to Stephen & John Lockwood on Tillotson Road?


Spent many a happy hour on the Docker & nobodys mentioned the Daisy Field right at the top of Heeley Green.


There was also the Rag & Bone mans place at the back of my Mum & Dads shop on Wilson Place. With a large pigeon loft above it.


Anyone remember Mrs Godbeher lived at the back of the laundry, we all though she was witch.....


Aaaah the memories, 2 up & 2 down, offshot kitchens, outside loo, back yard, no bathrooms, tin bath in front of an open fire.



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Must be an age thing! I remember more about that period of my life than any other.


I can still picture all the shops there where I lived. My Mum & Dad now live at Chesterfield but are still in touch with Nellie & Sonny Lockwood from Tillotson.


Dad used to play on the Docker before me as a child & he's now 81. He can't remember houses or such like there either. I remember the edge of the Docker as being very crumbly slate so guess it was remains of quarry or somesuch.


@ Tosh13. Mum says there was more of your family living at the houses in the yard at the rear of Gower & Burgins and the barbers but she cant remember their names. Can you help? My Grandad George went out drinking with one of the family - was that your Grandad do you know?


Anyone remember a family up there keeping a couple of Turkey's - I kid you not. Back to back terraces with turkey's..... Before we moved into the bakers we lived on Foster Road at the rear of the hairdressers (My brother Keith was born there in 1954) the turkeys lived in a house to the rear of us.


Odd what you can remember when you try.

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While thinking about the Docker I did a quick search & came up with this from the History of Heeley:


How the docker got it's name!!!


The name of the Docker came about because of the way in which the men who worked there were treated by their employers. At the Northcote end of the Docker, before ever the Cutting was made, there used to be a quarry and some of the men working in it were giver. the job of quarrying slates for roofs, these would be the old fashioned stone slates which were used on cottage roofs. Each day they were given a certain stretch of the quarry to work, for which they were given an agreed amount in payment. However when pay day came, if they hadn't completed their stretches, their pay was docked so much was deducted from the agreed amount. The employers were crafty, since it was a difficult lob to get slate of the right size and they always made the stretch to be worked bigger than the men could finish in the time available. In this way they were always able to dock the wages. Eventually the men realised this and always referred to it as "Goin' to work on t' docker."


Did you ever!

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