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Heeley Memories

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Anyone remember Mrs Godbeher lived at the back of the laundry, we all though she was witch.....Hitone

I was friendly with a lad called Gary Bush who lived next door to the Godbehers in Forster Road, but over the wall in the big yard off the top of Boyton Street. There was another lad called Paul Carrington lived in the yard and whenever we were playing both the Godbehers would come out and create hell. What really wound them up was if any of us sat on the wall.... ah, happy days!!

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Must be an age thing! I remember more about that period of my life than any other.


I can still picture all the shops there where I lived. My Mum & Dad now live at Chesterfield but are still in touch with Nellie & Sonny Lockwood from Tillotson.


Dad used to play on the Docker before me as a child & he's now 81. He can't remember houses or such like there either. I remember the edge of the Docker as being very crumbly slate so guess it was remains of quarry or somesuch.


@ Tosh13. Mum says there was more of your family living at the houses in the yard at the rear of Gower & Burgins and the barbers but she cant remember their names. Can you help? My Grandad George went out drinking with one of the family - was that your Grandad do you know?


Anyone remember a family up there keeping a couple of Turkey's - I kid you not. Back to back terraces with turkey's..... Before we moved into the bakers we lived on Foster Road at the rear of the hairdressers (My brother Keith was born there in 1954) the turkeys lived in a house to the rear of us.


Odd what you can remember when you try.

Hi Hitone1 There was only 1 Siddall family who lived on Forster Road & that was us at 21,I do not recall any other family members living near us apart from from Jean & Alec Hall who owned the chippy next door to the barbers up gleadless road.The Thackerys lived at the back of Gowers.

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Hi Hitone1 There was only 1 Siddall family who lived on Forster Road & that was us at 21,I do not recall any other family members living near us apart from from Jean & Alec Hall who owned the chippy next door to the barbers up gleadless road.The Thackerys lived at the back of Gowers.


@ Tosh13 Ok my Mum says was it the Starkey's that lived there?


Also a BIG hi from my brother Keith, he's over here from the states at the moment. Says do you remember 'Nicking' pigeon eggs with him & also collecting rags and bottles which you sold at the scrap place at Heeley Green......

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Further thoughts courtesy of my Dad recovering in hospital at the mo - this thread gave us a few things to chat about.


Boynton Street was still cobbled in the 50's. Recall collecting tar on a hot summers day....


The scrap dealer on Wilson Place was called Pearsons Yard & he had the old horse & cart ala Steptoe.


The other shop on the opposite corner from Amy Mortons was called Middletons.


Strange that lots of mentions of the shops, but no one recalled the bakers where I grew up.


Gower & Burgins with a huge bacon slicer.


I remember all the shops well with found memories especially Amy Mortons (remember the fireworks & bangers she sold & kept in sweet jars every year)


Staley's - where I spent all my pocket money on Superman & Batman comics (Wish I had saved them)



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Further thoughts courtesy of my Dad recovering in hospital at the mo - this thread gave us a few things to chat about.


Boynton Street was still cobbled in the 50's. Recall collecting tar on a hot summers day....




We were only talking about this today, we used to wrap it round and round on a stick until it was a big ball at the end, then use them like maces against each other. :D

Mind you we never had many toys in those days :hihi:

Boynton Street, Mrs Scales and Kenneth in the chip ole, a threpny and a fourpny please, with scraps.

And a bottle of Jusoda, and (if you were lucky), a Mars Bar from Mrs Newcombes,(Tommy the milkmans mother).

She used to have draught beer on and lots of the older ladies used to take jugs and bottles to be filled there, to relax after their daily work, no mod cons in the fifties!

Ben Woods on Artisan View, sold vinegar from barrels, single razor blades, single fags with one match. If any one bought a full five 'parkdrive' it made his day! I think he used to live with his mother, who you rarely saw.

Happy days they were, :D but I dont think our parents would have the same memories with all the scrimping and saving they had to do!!

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@ Tosh13 Ok my Mum says was it the Starkey's that lived there?


Also a BIG hi from my brother Keith, he's over here from the states at the moment. Says do you remember 'Nicking' pigeon eggs with him & also collecting rags and bottles which you sold at the scrap place at Heeley Green......

Yeah I remember,tell Keith Hi & hope you are all ok,had a 50th suprise birthday last night & I was talking to my sister Jayne about Heeley ,it was the good old day's.Cheers Tosh

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Hi all you Heeley people

I lived at Heeley until around 1962. Can anyone remember the Church on Chesterfield Road opposite the coal yard and Greshams timber Yard.


I used to be in the Cubs/Scouts there, we new as the old tin chapple.

I wonder if there is anyone out there who was in the scouts around 1959 to 1960, if I have my dates correct..........

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Hi all you Heeley people

I lived at Heeley until around 1962. Can anyone remember the Church on Chesterfield Road opposite the coal yard and Greshams timber Yard.


I used to be in the Cubs/Scouts there, we new as the old tin chapple.

I wonder if there is anyone out there who was in the scouts around 1959 to 1960, if I have my dates correct..........

i think the church you mean and greshams timber are both still there , i also lived at heeley until about 1962 as well , i went to the scouts but only a few times about the same time.
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I was friendly with a lad called Gary Bush who lived next door to the Godbehers in Forster Road, but over the wall in the big yard off the top of Boyton Street. There was another lad called Paul Carrington lived in the yard and whenever we were playing both the Godbehers would come out and create hell. What really wound them up was if any of us sat on the wall.... ah, happy days!!



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