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Heeley Memories

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Hi "norton girl", thanks for your message. I can recall the teachers' names and memories of the drinks shop on Abbeydale Road, we used to call there when we came out of the Abbeydale Cinema.

Unfortunately I don't recall the names which you've mentioned, maybe you are a year or so older than myself.

I've been in touch with David Edwards but, he's about 4 years older than me so perhaps you're in between in which case you may remember my brother Keith, he was born in 1947 so he's now 60, he was in the same class as Sylvia Storey (brother of Malcolm). We all lived on Upper Valley Road then my family moved to Alexandra Road,Heeley about 1959 but, we still continued attending Carfield School. My husband and I were in Mr.Cartwright's (Hoss) class, he was a good maths teacher and then we were in Mr.Davison's class and sent off to Ann's Road School Annexe where there were just 2 classes, we were in 2A and there was 2B (Mrs.Wolstenholme). We liked it down there because we could get away with more as we weren't under the watchful eye of Pop Edlington, god that bloke scared me to death! Mind you, I was terrified of Mr.Roache who hated me just because my brother was in his class and they often "had words". My brother couldn't stand him so Roachie always picked on him and, in consequence, I copped it too. He never taught me and I was sooooo glad! I think he taught maths or am I wrong on that one?

Let me know some more details so I can get some idea of who you are.



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  • 2 weeks later...

hi duffems.

davided here. the little shop we were talking about. i think it was called hargreaves and yes it was an oddball . i think aspinalls lived at the corner house at the bottom of kent road. also cocker wall,brookfields, and a bessy crowder. can you remember the steels betty and raimond both adopted. neil memmots younger brother was called derek and he had two older bros terry and roy. terry is no longer with us ,he died of the bic c some years back.roy is married to barbara jackson she used to live next door to me on rushdale.neil also had a elder sister i think called maggy.

by for now


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hi norton girl, davided here,

welcome to the forum june shirley,i think.

the forum has some interesting topics. how long have you been up norton and did you live at heely. i lived on rushdale road at meersbrook,live on marsh lane now.lets know a bit more about you please

by for now dave.

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Pardon me correcting you but it was Staley's newpapers. I had an account with them for years when I lived on Gleadless Road.

I certainly remember Amy Mortons shop. We would take in the soap power coupons and trade them for lemon fizz or some such like. A girl I went to school with called Susan Marshall lived in what used to be a shop opposite the school. It was on the corner of Gleadless and another street, the name of which I cannot recall, the large windows were all blacked out with paint, ring any bells ?

The shop with the blacked out windows was on the corner of Gleadless Road and Wilson Place. It was originally a Pawnbrokers. Yes Susan Marshall did live there with her Ruth her Mum, Walter her Dad and her two Sisters Monica and Vicky. I was engaged to Sue, we were to be married at Christmas 1963, but she tragically died in October 1963. I am still in touch with Monica and Vicky.

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Hi Duffems sorry for delay in reply computor problems, david edwards was older than me I was about 3 years younger than him, we used to meet out of school. I was in Mr Cartwrights class he always called me shirley. Mr Davidson was my teacher at Annes Road,I played angel Gabrial in the school concert I had a broken Arm did not get my pot off till the day of the concert. I used to play the piano with one hand. Pop Edlington used to have secretary cannot recall her name, I used to sit in his office answering the telephone when she was not in and when he was teaching. I was aPrefect in my last year that was when I went out with David Smith He was in the Photography class with Mr Philips who took very large photo of us and put it on the notice board, I still have the photo. Sandra Gregory and I were the best of friends we were always competingagainst each other in Netball, Rounders and Cookery. she had a brother Richard or Robert they lived at the top of Richards Road. I came from Mundella Place at Graves Park but spent most of my time around Heeley Green. My Maiden Name was Oldfield. There was a girl in our class Called denise she was very lovely with long dark curly hair cannot remember her second name. Do you remeber the art mistress she had short black hair and very fat ankles.

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Hi davided My maiden name was oldfield I was born on mundella place at Graves Park. Iwas at Carfield and Annes School, do you remeber the Youth Club at Annes Road I think it was on Tuesdays and Thursday nights we had a disco we used to walk back through the Cemetary. to the bus stop at Heeley Green.sometimes we called at the drink shop.My middle name was Shirley Mr Cartwight always called me this.I was a Prefect we used to stand at the gate at the entrance of the school in the mornings and lunchtimes to clock in any late comers, I also used to help serve dinners in the canteen with Sandra Gregory. Iwill have to find my Autograph Album for any more names.

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Hi norton girl, thanks for your reply, glad you've got your computer sorted, they're wonderful when they're working but terrible to fix when they're not!

We must have followed each other into various classes though I don't recall your name. Roger and I were both pupils of Mr.Cartwright and Mr.Davison but, I don't remember you in our class.


We left when the school closed down in 1962, Roger went on to Newfield and I went to Brincliffe Grammar, did you leave before then, if you did that would put you a year older than us which would possibly put you in the same age group as my brother, he was born in 1947.


Let me know the names which you can remember and I'll try too recall some.




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Hi davided My maiden name was oldfield I was born on mundella place at Graves Park. do .


My husbands two Aunt's and grandmother lived on Mundella Place for many years. One Aunt had to move to the OAP flats on Derbyshire Lane when they demolished the houses on Mundella.


Cynthia, Canada.

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Nice to read your notice re. Anns road school I was there from 1952 to 58

You will remember Miss Hargreaves and Mr Eyre and Mr Hooper he also ran the play centre (happy Days)


I then move to Newfield School left in 1962, and revisited this year for the first time.

We walked all the way around the school, and nothing as changed, all the rooms are same with the original doors seems a little run down.

The tennis courts are all over grown,but we had some happy times.

I went to school when Barry Wilkinson Roy Jepson Trevor Bingham all lived around your area.



We lived on Prospect Road near Silcocks Pub


Been to Australia (Wollengong) NSW Great going again next year






crikey the docker.... i was born in 1977 and from the age of 3 i played on the docker. i lived on nicholson road and the docker was at the top of that road. funny how things stay with you inn it.

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hi norton girl.


davided here. sorry havnt replied sooner been to my caravan at lincoln.

im doing a couple of gigs their soon so i had to organise them. yes i remember anns road and it was tuesday and thursday, that brought back some memories i can tell you, well i cant realy. happy days. i remember mundella place as well spent a lot of time up that neck of the woods....

i didnt like my school days much only 4 o clock that was the best time.didnt graduate to prefect only made milk monitor i didnt mind that.

well ill talk to you soon.

ttfn. davided

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