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Heeley Memories

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Hello Scout,


We both remember Billie Makinson and his father who I believe had the same name. Yes, he came round the district on Friday nights in the 1950's and all the kids used to come out and follow them around. We both lived on Upper Valley Road as kids, myself at the top and my husband at the bottom and when Billie's horse used to "empty his bladder" it used to reach all the way down from our house to my husband's at the bottom ( the things that amuse you as kids!). My mother never liked buying anything from them as the horse used to smell so much in Summer. Both Billie and his father were very ruddy-faced cheerful men and didn't mind us kids, I remember Billie senior chanting "Okey pokey penny a lump, the more you eat the more ...........!"


I don't recall your father's name but I'll ask my mum as all her family were from Heeley/Meersbrook.

My grandfather was a dry-stone grinder and worked on Heeley bottom (Guernsey Road) at Dickinson's where they produced knives and forks.


Heeley Duffems.

Billy Mackinson and lad used to visit Upper Valley Road every Tues and Friday nights. My memory of the 'old man' was his call of 'Here's the only man who ever fought a monkey in a dustbin, and then he came out without a scratch". In bed I used to listen to them leave their patch (around 9.30pm at the top of Upper Valley which was flat) take it slowly down past our house which was on the slope and when they reached the corner of Upper Valley and Kent Road (which became flat again) and to a kid my age at that time raced seemingly at a charge down the rest of Upper Valley until it sloped again at Valley Rd.

I think it probable that the Mackinson's fruit and veg shop at the top of Twentywell lane at Bradway is of the same family. Sadly no horse and cart.

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hi Hitone 1,

I've given you all the information I've got at the moment, I have helped organise two reunions and only managed to get to one, but I was told the last one went very well, even though Banksia won't make the next one, I understand this to be a regular meeting for all our friends. I can't see me getting to the next one either but if anymore information comes my way I will post it on here and hopefully you will all have a great time.

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Hi Neil,

You lived near to us on Upper Valley Road, we used to be at Carfiled School with Derek, your brother, how is he, we haven't seen him since about 1970 when I saw him on a bus going home from my "hen night", gosh 37 years ago!

Did you also have another brother who was in the guards, I can recall seeing one of you in uniform but, you were all quite a bit older than my husband and myself as we were the same age as Derek. We both recall Derek knocking out his front teeth when he came down Kent Road into the railings at the bottom.

Can you remember the name of Billie Makinson's horse, my husband and myself have been having a laugh as we both think that even the horse was called Billie!

Do you remember Marion Maynard who lived in our yard along with David Travis, she was also older than me in fact, they all seemed to be older and bigger than me which is why my brother called me Titch.



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QUOTE=Applegrim;2713248]Hi Davided, just thought I'd fill you in about the reunion Banksia mentioned, I have just received a letter from Lynn Thompson (Jackie), the date is December the 5th at the Waggon & horses Millhouses.as i understand it they used a private room for the last reunion and I'm sure you will be warmly welcomed.

Also Jackie's told me there is a school photo going in the Active 8 in December, so don't miss either.


Hi guys, can anyone tell me more details of the reunion?


Posted well back in the thread, I was born 1951 at Heeley and lived on Foster Road before moving into the bakers shop opposite Annes Road school at 146 Gleadless Road.


Friends of friends are running the Waggon & Horses, so would like to be doubly involved......


Mates from that era were amongst others the Siddalls on Foster Rd & the Lockwoods on Tillotson Rd


More details please!


Hi Hitone1 which of the Siddalls & Lockwoods did you know.

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Hi guys, can anyone tell me more details of the reunion?


Posted well back in the thread, I was born 1951 at Heeley and lived on Foster Road before moving into the bakers shop opposite Annes Road school at 146 Gleadless Road.


Friends of friends are running the Waggon & Horses, so would like to be doubly involved......


Mates from that era were amongst others the Siddalls on Foster Rd & the Lockwoods on Tillotson Rd


More details please!


Hi Hitone1 which of the Siddalls & Lockwoods did you know.



Remember John & Malcolm & your good self (Just) (It's an age thing LOL).


Also all of the Lockwoods Mum & Dad who are Nellie and Sonnie and kids John & Stephen.


My Mums still in touch with them - my parents Joyce & Arnie had the bakers shop opposite the school. Lived there with Keith my brother & Anne my sister.

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John took me to Bramall Lane when I was a kid & been a Blade ever since,He reminded me of John Travolta in Grease he had a simular hair style,Stephen or Big Un as he was also known was a good bloke,I used the Lockwoods phone to ring the fire brigade ,when my kid brother set fire to the cellar ,he did it by using my Lancaster Bomber model,he tied a bit of cloth to the tail & set fire to it & he set the coal muck on fire,I could not believe him doing that ,but he was alway's a little sod who caused me trouble.Mind you I ran up to the Upper Heeley WMC & fetched my Dad & he didn't half paste him,oh what good old day's.Ask your Mum if she will send all my best to them.Cheers T.S

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Hi Duffems


I well remember the Travis's and Maynards. Mrs Travis came from the north east, Newcastle I think, I remember them being a nice family.

I hav'nt seen my brother Derek for a little while now but when I did see him last he was fine although he had been quite ill prior to that. He lives in Ecclesall Road with his partner Brenda and still does a lot of fishing down in Lincolnshire. I had two other brothers, Roy the elder was in the Artillery, unfortunately he died of cancer a few years ago, my other elder brother Terry was in the RAF and he still lives in Meersbrook, my sister Maureen lives at Sothall and I live in Totley.


Billie Makinson's horse probably was called Billie, I don't honestly know but I'll see if I can find out and I'll post it to you.





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Hi Neil,


Mrs. Travis was from the north east, a very nice lady, I think David lives Totley way, he did some decorating for my brother a few months ago.

I'm sorry to hear about your brother, I didn't know him, I just remember one of the "Memmott lads" being in the forces, for some reason both my husband and myself thought he was in the guards.

My husband lived at the bottom of Upper Valley Road at No.47 with his parents and grandparents. We both went to Carfield School and, I worked out the other day that we've actually known each other for 51 years this year and been married for 37 of those, I'll not tell you what his reply was!

Do you remember the Ducker lads, my brother was pals with the youngest Alan (I think) but, they used to scare me especially the older one Barry (I think). The Storeys were good kids but, I gather that they are no longer with us or at least Sylvia and Michael, too young.

I suppose Maz Maynard was in the same year as you? I haven't seen her since we left Upper Valley Road to move into Heeley in about 1959 though I continued to attend Carfield School until I passed 13+ to go to Brincliffe Grammar School.

Happy days at Meersbrook Park being chased by old "Tinlanks", having to climb over the gate when he locked us in, can you imagine "Health & Safety" nowadays having to deal with that!




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Hi Duffem,


I certainly remember Barry & Alan, Barry was "like crazy" man (in the nicest possible way of course) the last time I saw him was at Hillsboro years ago and Alan longer than that.

The Storeys from the end house I remember well. Who was the family next door to the Storeys? I remember a girl called Ann but cannot remember their surname. I'ts just come to me 'Darling' was their name, remember? Then there were the Jacksons opposite you and the Bowers just below etc etc.


"Tinlanks" yes, he had a whistle too, just like the cops.





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Hey Davided,


I reckon your my old mucker David Edwards from Rushdale & Carfield. Obviously still chirpy and croaking down the mike too'.


I wondered where you left FR for. An old pal in Londonderry mailed me yesterday to say she had seen my name on this site, I did'nt know of it's existance until then, the rest is history as they say.


No doubt we'll be hearing from you.






PS the little shop half way down Upper Valley was Mrs. Gregory's, two other things she sold were bread and gravy salt, hows bout that then.

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