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Heeley Memories

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Now then you Old Scoundrel, you sound on good form. Your so right about nostalgia on this site, bet you don't remember what colour me Dad painted the toilet doors do you cos I can't. Yes they were all outside loos in UV and Rushdale, I remember yours was a mile trek from your back door, you had to plan in advance to go to that loo.

When did you move to Marsh Lane, the only reason I ask is that I had it in the back of my mind you lived at Handsworth or was it Ridgeway?

Unfortunately I can't make the Fox tomorrow but I'll catch up with you in some hostelry one day and buy thi a pint.

The hardware shop (Busy Bee) closed it's doors for the last time last Christmas, it's now an animal feedstore, hosses and the like. I had a short spell at Macs DIY in White Lane after that but did'nt like it there and left. I'm now quietly contemplating how to fill the time between now and final retirement in three years, idealy something part time and local, like an engine driver.


Hasten slowly



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Neil try green,Yes our toilet was a mile trec from the back door, no good if you had the runs, too late by the time you`d got there.It was uphill as well. I did live at Handsworth

then Halfway then Bollsover then Kiveton then Dronfield then Renishaw. Finally landing at Marsh Lane 18 Months ago. Now you know why i bought a caravan.Oh i lived in that for 2 years also.I moved from halfway when my marriage broke down, that was 9 years ago. Live with my partner Mary now.Yes i would very much like to have a pint or two with you, say the time and place and ill be there. Its also a good way of filling in the time between now and retirement.I retired when i was 50 so am used to having time on my hands.


Slowly is the only way



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How are you after your 65th Birthday party last night at the Fox, did the locals put on a good night for you. S'funny you know, I always thought your burfday was Dec 8th so you can see why I'm a bit confused, anyway as long as they put a good night on, what does it matter. Was the turn any good, you get so much rubbish about these days, you know the type of thing I'm on about, some guy comes along with a couple of big speakers, a CD player with something like six drawers in it all full of pre-recordered background music an he/she just sits on a high bar stool and does a Karioke job, I don't get it mate, a pro like you must shudder when you and your band get out the van and carry all your gear onto a stage and have to set it up and all that sort of stuff, the drum kit, all those speakers, tripods, guitars, keyboards etc., etc, and then to take them all down again at the end of the jig:-) and take em' downstairs out to the van, load em' up, drop everybody and their girls off and finally roll into bed bout' four in the morning. No wonder you been retired since 50 me old pal, I'm surprised after all that lot that can lift a mike to your mouth. Happy 65th anyway.

Must ask you before dashing awf, do you get any embarrasing moments when you and your big band are on stage? i.e. like the ex turning up and demanding money for all the ten kids she's had since you parted all those years ago. Go on, tell us some of the juicy bits, it's not all pints and crisps.


Talking about crisps, do you remember those packets of Smith's crisps (there was only plain) with the blue salt packet, particularly around Christmas. Sometimes there were more blue packets than there were crisps, there were so many that people used to save them for when it snowed an put the salt on the pavement to clear it, lot better than ashes, anyway ashes did'nt taste very nice on crisps did they. Also do you remember us getting p----- on Peardrax, yes you've forgotten that av'nt you'se. 1/10d a large bottle from Robboe's (2d on't bottle as well Bro'). Ee I remember it as a lad.


Give my love to your Grandma, how is she by the way, has she got one of them trolley jobs wiv a wheel on each corner and a "Go faster stripe down each side?


Hasten slowly buddy,



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A message to TOSH13

I am related to the shackleton family that you were searching for a while ago.

They still live in Sheffield but i don't and never have.

If you want to know more please let me know and i will try to find out more for you.

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Hi Blackadder, just come across your mail about the Cartwright family. My eldest brother Roy married Irene and they lived three houses from the top of the "49 steps" for a while before moving onto the newly built Gosforth Valley estate at Dronfield. They had one daughter Susie who married Tim. I am not sure if they have one or two children.

Roy unfortunately died a few years ago from cancer of the throat but Irene still lives in the house at Gosforth.




neil memmott

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High Neil Davided here, there must have been a misunderstanding about the 65th birthday do,it wasnt mine.I was booked as the entertainer for the evening.MY Big Band days ended with my divorce need i say thats what caused it.I just sing for my own pleasure now, as and when the mood takes me.Unfortunately i have had to revert back to backing tracks again as most solo artists do these days but its not like singing with the proper set-up. You were right about my birthday being the 8th Dec.MOM,s still going strong 83 and still got all her faculties, its the joints thats her problem. I know the feeling. TTFN Dave

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Hello Lazarus,


Thanks for calling. Henry was my Dad and he was certainly a plumber of the old school.

Reeves Charlesworth was one of the companies he worked for. I remember him on various new build sites for the Council, one near the university and I'm sure he had a spell on Park Hill also as well as others. He finished his working life with the Public Works Dept., at the Arbourthorne Depot. He suffered from Angina which sadly caught up with him just a few years after he retired.

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