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Heeley Memories

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Hi Matey, good to hear from you.

Ref your birthday, I'm not sure what's gone wrong in your life but you could spot a "wind up" coming in a split second at one time, seems that you're losing it mi boy, drink more beer, it's the only remedy. All that apart, I was so pleased to read that Mom's still going strong give her my regards, when you look back, she was good at "winding up" when we were kids. Do you know that I thought so much of yer Mam that I named our shower after her. 1994 when my Mom died and Dad went a few years before she.

How's Stephen these days, is he still around these parts and what's he do for a living, he obviously does'nt sing or you would have been "The Edwardy Bros".

I've just got back from our eldest son Paul who lives opposite Graves Park, I've never seen so many people strolling around in short sleeves and the like at this time of year before, mind you the days at the moment have been wonderful, not even put the garden furniture away yet.


Right then you rascal, I'll leave yer in peace.


Hasten slowly



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Hi Neil, Not so sure about beeing wound up, these days i want winding up.Steves ok he works for Sheff Council, Probably the only one that does. Lives at Beighton with his wife Lynn, got 2 kids one of each, both married but not to each other ,unlike his hairy brother hes got none. Got back from the c/van this morning as you say the wether is fab, bit cold at night but warm throughout the day, weve been sitting and suppin and taking it easy apart from SAT night when i was singing at a charity do for Cancer research. It was at Colingham football club.We will have to get together soon and have a proper chat.


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Hello Lazarus,


Thanks for calling. Henry was my Dad and he was certainly a plumber of the old school.

Reeves Charlesworth was one of the companies he worked for. I remember him on various new build sites for the Council, one near the university and I'm sure he had a spell on Park Hill also as well as others. He finished his working life with the Public Works Dept., at the Arbourthorne Depot. He suffered from Angina which sadly caught up with him just a few years after he retired.


I worked with your Dad up on Herdings in the early sixties as a fifteen year old straight from school. I always found him to be a very nice man, he used to always keep his little finger straight while he was working ( I dont know if he had injured it at some time ) but after working with him for a year I started to do the same.It always amazed me how he could keep a cigarette in his mouth without the smoke annoying him.Im sorry to hear he has passed away.Again a very nice man.

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Thanks for that Lazarus,

Dad's most treasured tool was his "Max Sievit" blow lamp. I think my brother Terry has it now. Dad was an artist in copper pipe, he could design and make anything. Back in Upper Valley Rd., where we lived he and me were down in the cellar making something, I forgot what but it entailed firing this blow lamp of his. To light it he had to prime it by by pumping air into the petrol tank, opening a valve which let petrol run into a resevoir below the fire tube and lighting it. This particular day he did all this and set the petrol on fire (part of the process of firing this thing up) put a Park Drive in his mouth, then put his finger in the burning petrol which immediately caught fire, lit his fag and blew the flame out on his burning finger. Casually, he said "Don't tell your Mother you've seen that"

Brilliant plumber me Dad Oh! and copper pipe artist. Liked his beer also, me Dad was an artist in many things come to think of it. Loved him dearly.



neil memmott

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I saw something yesterday which reminded me of "Honeyballs" sweetshop, corner Kent and Albert. Do you remember that place, the two things you could get there and nowhere else, (not even old Blakey in Valley as far as I know) was root liquorice and cinder toffee, now that's goin' back. "Over the rickety bridge".



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Yes i remember it well also the rickety old bridge. We used to walk across the hand rail, fell off once or twice as well. Do you remember the scout hut or bug hut as we called it then. they used to hold a dance on thursday nights. it was old time dancing at first and then a few orf us went taking our own discs to play. It wasnt long before the old ones left and it became a disco.

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Ive just been browsing through and what memories you have brought back. 1993 I had the hairdressing Salon at the corner of Hyde Road and Boyton Street.I remember colouring and styling Sue Marshalls hair,trying to get the perfect one for her Wedding.Even going to the Hospital to see her and the only thing she talked about was getting married. My Sisters and I knew how desperately ill she was but she was certain she would recover. What a lovely girl she was.

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Hi Matey, how yer doing,


The old rickety bridge, best thing that happened to that was when the truck lost it's brakes and ploughed through the lot and into the river. It was the only time we were on't front page of "The Star".

"The Bug Hut", there's somethings in life yer cannot forget. Thursday nights was a closed institution to the old ladies of the district, a Fox Trot here a slow Quickstep there (Brucey Baby will know the answer but what in Gutten Himmel is a slow Quickstep) I digress ole buddy, yes we went along there because the lasses of the district got to the age where it was the done thing to learn the dance and of course we fellows were "getting a little warm" if "not the hots" for one or two of them (we could manage one or two of them in those days), I digress yet again. Yes me ole mucker it was us that started to take our own discs in there which was OK when we asked if they would play "Baby Face" but not tellin' them that it was by Little Richard and "Wait till the sinshines Nellie" by Buddy Holly etc, etc. all songs they knew but in a totally different "Genre" eh now that's an Americanisam init, Genre what the BH (They were the the initials of Buddy Holly, Bob Hope, Betty Hutton, etc, etc.) is a Genre? The kids will tell me, anyway I digress, back to the local Hop. We gradually took over but it was inevitable, times they were a changing, a new waive of music was upon us and yes it was disastrous for the ole folk, it was'nt just a new waive, it was, Oh yes it was the age of (dare I say it) the age of Rock 'n' Roll. Bill Haley with his kiss curl, Little Dick, Chuck Berry, Buddy of course, Elvis and the lists goes on, music that changed the western world, even Rolf Harris could'nt stop the march, the rest as they (who are they?) is history.

One thing I don't remember is the Disco days at the bug hut, I was probably playing elsewhere by then.


Have a good week bud, did you light your sparklers tonight or are you leaving them for the right day as I am, got some coloured matches an all this year.:-)



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A message to TOSH13

I am related to the shackleton family that you were searching for a while ago.

They still live in Sheffield but i don't and never have.

If you want to know more please let me know and i will try to find out more for you.


Hi RayS a friend of mine said she has seen Shaun & told him I send my best,we used to be big mate's in the 70s ,he was a top lad,craig was a little sod though,my kid brothers was as well so nothing changed.If you see him just tell him if he remembers Skeggy in the early 70s.

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