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Heeley Memories

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Hi again Applegrim, I hope your results are favourable and that you have a restful week. Dont go inviting old boyfriends round, its rest and relaxation you kneed. Looking after people who are unable to look after themselves is very taxing so a week of respite is a tonic for you. Not being disrespectful to the infirm but people dont realize how time consuming for the people looking after them can be. Everybody needs some time out for themselves.I hope you have a very good Xmas ,Christmas pud and all. you deserve it. lots of love.


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We used to sledge down Carter Road till my gran always came out with a shovel full of ashes from the fire, which stopped us in our tracks as she lived opposite Mrs Maltbys which was right in the middle of our "run" and everyone used to blame me because it was my gran, although no one dared to say anything she was a real tarter.


I think most of the 'real' sledging was done down the 'Little Hill'. The only problem was stopping as you were faced with a short wall with a hell of a drop into Mrs Turley's back yard if you were unlucky! I've an awful feeling that you were referring to my gran with the ashes as she lived at number 16 and she was a tartar!

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Hello again Davided, When I said boyfriend I was meaning a male friend rather than female friend, but I was going to ask you if you remembered him, his name is Stuart Rollinson he lived down Queens Road, also David Green went and he lived down Springwood Road.

News just in from Aus.there is a photo from the reunion sent to Aus. from Neville Brinnen, if you get it first will you send it to me.

Banksia will be sending it to me so if I get it first I'll forward it on to you.

That last paragraph is a complete jumble.I have just come back from my first Christmas lunch but I can assure you I've only had one drink.Roll on tomorrow when I'm going for my second Christmas lunch, I might have two drinks and will probably make sense.

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Hello again Davided, When I said boyfriend I was meaning a male friend rather than female friend, but I was going to ask you if you remembered him, his name is Stuart Rollinson he lived down Queens Road, also David Green went and he lived down Springwood Road.

News just in from Aus.there is a photo from the reunion sent to Aus. from Neville Brinnen, if you get it first will you send it to me.

Banksia will be sending it to me so if I get it first I'll forward it on to you.

That last paragraph is a complete jumble.I have just come back from my first Christmas lunch but I can assure you I've only had one drink.Roll on tomorrow when I'm going for my second Christmas lunch, I might have two drinks and will probably make sense.

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Someone mentioned the Gillott surname, does anyone know any of them or are there any who come on this post as I'm doing a bit of family research and Gillott is one of the surnames in my family along with Norton & Aspinall, all from Heeley/Meersbrook as I was too.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Davided, you mentioned Rushdale Road, did you know Barry Glynn or Veronica

Marsden? did you know Christine Baine on Carfield Avenue or Christine Drew on Valley Road? Alan King Meersbrook Park Ave.,


Hi there, if interested both my wife (Janet Thompson) and myself Terry Puttrell were pals together as kids with Veronica and her brother Dereck Marsden on Rushdale road , then i left in 1956 to join the Royal Marines . We finally got married in 1962 and we live down oposite the Isle of Wight in Gosport, Hants.Would like to get in touch with them.


Rgs Terry

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