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Heeley Memories

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Thanks Terry, I have sent Veronica a message on Friends Reunited,

but so far haven't had a message back as yet, but if I do I'll pass it on to you, but while I'm here, I have also been wondering what happened to Graham Jepson who lived on Gerard Street Heeley Green, I have never seen or heard about him since school ,he can't have just disappeared, so does anyone know.?


I hope you all had a Wonderful Christmas, and I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

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Hello again Davided, When I said boyfriend I was meaning a male friend rather than female friend, but I was going to ask you if you remembered him, his name is Stuart Rollinson he lived down Queens Road, also David Green went and he lived down Springwood Road.

News just in from Aus.there is a photo from the reunion sent to Aus. from Neville Brinnen, if you get it first will you send it to me.

Banksia will be sending it to me so if I get it first I'll forward it on to you.

That last paragraph is a complete jumble.I have just come back from my first Christmas lunch but I can assure you I've only had one drink.Roll on tomorrow when I'm going for my second Christmas lunch, I might have two drinks and will probably make sense.



I knew a Stuart Rollinson - he had a sister called Sandra and two brothers called Mick and Teddy. They lived in the next yard to us - on Guernsey Road at the back of Queens Road - near Spaffords.

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Hi,Davided have you been down Rushdale Road lately? I went down yesterday from Albert Road over Kent Road where the bridge used to be. Where the garages used to be on the left a new row of town houses has been built behind the houses that were built on the " bomb site". And the shop that was Ronnies is no more its now a house with railings round.And Rushdale Road is now nose to tail with cars. The fish and chip shop is still in Valley Road.

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Hi,Davided have you been down Rushdale Road lately? I went down yesterday from Albert Road over Kent Road where the bridge used to be. Where the garages used to be on the left a new row of town houses has been built behind the houses that were built on the " bomb site". And the shop that was Ronnies is no more its now a house with railings round.And Rushdale Road is now nose to tail with cars. The fish and chip shop is still in Valley Road.



Did you notice the "eyesore" which was a house when the bridge was there? I'm amazed that someone is allowed to keep a house in such a state with all the junk outside. My husband's relatives used to live on Rushdale Terrace, I don't know what they would have thought of the old place if they were still with us! We went down that way last week and we were astounded.

We both lived on Upper Valley Road in the 1960's, both attended Carfield and the area was very "neat & tidy" then, it was a lovely place to live as children especially with Meersbrook Park so close by.

I have an old photo (think it's on Picture Sheffield.com) of the bridge as it was with a sign on it, this was before they filled in the river and diverted it.



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Hi,Rhonda Ive not been to Rushdale for years keep threatning to but not got round to it yet. Did you notice whether the scout hut is still there. I well remember the old wooden footbridge we use to walk across the hand rail, Ive fell off many a time and gone with a splash. The old house that Duffens mentions has always been a eyesore the owner used to keep old motor cars on the land in front of it. They had a few summonses from the council but it didnt make any difference. I can remember the old gas lamp with a cross on it. Can you remember anyone called Christine Hunter who went to Carfield ive tried to trace her but got nowhere.


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The house I mentioned was down at the bottom towards where the bridge was situated over the river, obviously this was before the river was diverted underground. This particular house was there when I lived in the area in the late 1950's -1970's and it was just an ordinary house on the left just as you came across the bridge from Rushdale Terrace (behind the scout huts). Now it's in an appalling state with scrap and rubbish piled everywhere, I'm surprised that the Council haven't evicted them.

Dr.Thompson's house ( as was ) is higher up also on the lefthand side, that now appears to be unoccupied and in a state of disrepair, such a shame as these were quite reasonable properties and probably would still be if they had been maintained.

I suppose we wear our rose-tinted specs when we re-visit old haunts, things have to change don't they!



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Its the house that Duffems mentioned i think it had a garage underneath it and a big tree growing at the side of it.Doctor Thompson had a orchard in his back garden with a lovely drive leading up to his house i was once apple scrumping and he caught me my punishment from him was a large spoonful of Castor oil. Wondered why i never liked it.

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That's correct davided, it had a garage underneath it though it's difficult to tell now as it's such a state. Dr.Thompson's house is still there but, it looks like there's been a fire at some point as there is a lot of charcoaled wood, sad really. I think we all had a go at Dr.Thompson's apples at some stage though, we must have been lighter on our feet than you as we never got caught!


The whole area around there is rather shabby, though I'll probably get loads of folk saying that they still live there and it's wonderful so I had better get me coat now!




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