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Heeley Memories

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Stephen Fereday was born in 1952 his brother a couple of years later. They lived halfway down the top part of the Road.Yes I am older thats why I remember how Rushdale Road was. I moved there in 1954 until 1961.My Son's both went to Carfield and then Newfield Schools.Didn't you know Christine on Marylin Dobson?

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Stephen Fereday was born in 1952 his brother a couple of years later. They lived halfway down the top part of the Road.Yes I am older thats why I remember how Rushdale Road was. I moved there in 1954 until 1961.My Son's both went to Carfield and then Newfield Schools.Didn't you know Christine on Marylin Dobson?


Rhonda were your sons called Martin & John Hunter or have I got you mixed up in the mists of time. I used to play on Rushdale Rd back in the late 60's & remember Miss Carr always being on the warpath even (on the odd chance) when we hadn't done anything!

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Semi - retired moved to Spain in September, looking for bits about Sheffield came across this site, brought back some fantastic memories of Heeley Green.

I lived there from 1953 (born on Carfield St) until the council & it's steamroller of "progress" destroyed it in 1981.

Memories of Wileys (now Colins) on Heeley Green corner; the beer off where you could buy a pint of (British ) sherry & take it home in a plastic bottle for granny. Mr Bussey the butchers, always thought to be posh because he had a caravan "somewhere in Derbyshire" everyone said he made his money selling "under the counter" meat during the war (?) Chambers the fishmongers, Frank Woolhouse the newsagents, I was one of his long suffering paperboys, his wife always had a fantastic suntan "they went on cruises." His brother had a betting shop on Gleadless Rd opposite the Heeley Cinema.There was the Law sisters sweet shop, I used to spend ages deciding what to choose from their penny tray & their grandson Kenneth became a school friend at Newfield.

I remember Tingles the drapers, although my mum & the neighbours used to go in to find out the local gossip - sorry news.

Mrs Jackson had the sweetshop on the corner of Gleadless Rd & Carrfield Rd, she sold everything, it was always rather dingy, dark & smelled of cat pee, everyone's mum said not to buy anything in there because you would get THE POLIO... but kids being kids we used to indulge in her penny orange jubblies or frozen orange bottles & then go to bed fingers crossed that THE POLIO hadn't got us.

Great days, The Docker, Cat Lane Woods, all the bits of spare land for kids to play on without any worries apart from the dreaded cries around 8 o'clock "Richard/Steven/Linda/David"...add your name.. from all the mums shouting us in for bed; followed by a howl of "aaaww can't I stay out a bit longer, Andrews mum says he can" the lies we told to stay out playing for an extra ten minutes.

Truly a fantastic place to grow up in. Lots more memories but for now I' ll just say who remembers the tripe shop opposite Taggy's

Best wishes to all

If anyone remembers me Richard Jorda, My mum was Mary & my dad, from Spain was Francis, leave a message.

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I remember you very well Richard. I knew your Mother and Father,he used to help me with Spanish.I had just stated to have lessons at that time. Martin has been in football all his life he is now head coach for Watford.John is abroad most of the time.Both married with kids.What have you been doing? Your memories of Heeley strike lots of cords. How long is it since you were in Heeley?I'll tell Martin and John about this. Best Wishes Joan Hunter aka Rhonda.

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I remember you very well Richard. I knew your Mother and Father,he used to help me with Spanish.I had just stated to have lessons at that time. Martin has been in football all his life he is now head coach for Watford.John is abroad most of the time.Both married with kids.What have you been doing? Your memories of Heeley strike lots of cords. How long is it since you were in Heeley?I'll tell Martin and John about this. Best Wishes Joan Hunter aka Rhonda.


Hi Joan

Many thanks for your reply, what a fantastic coincidence that I visited the forum at the same time your message was on it. I spoke to my long time friend on the 'phone (& your ex neighbour) Keith Allen about it & he said it had to be you because there were too many similarities - 2 sons, Carrfield, Newfield, Rushdale Rd, Miss Carr... small world.

My partner & I moved over to Spain last September to the actual house my dad was born in after spending 8 -10 years rebuilding, remortgaging, then remortgaging again, with lots of blood sweat & gallons of tears.

Regarding Heeley; the irony is after I left in 1981 I went to work with adults with learning difficulties at the back of the old school house on Gleadless Road, somewhere I used to play as a kid. I then worked for the NHS as a manager of a mens health centre, and then as their lead trainer in diversity & equality before starting my own training & consultancy business.

Decided a coupler of years ago that although I used to love Sheffield I no longer felt the same, it had changed & so had I. Also working all over the country had lost the buzz that it originally gave me & I realized I needed to start thinking about ME for the first time in my life. So now I am freelancing teaching English in Spain.

SO... I put one post on the forum & here we are.

I have so many memories of Heeley Green & all the happy times spent playing on Kent Hill, around the scout hut, avoiding the dispeasure of Miss Carr who seemed to want Keith, your Martin & me sent to borstal just for walking past her window!!! (She may have had a point)

I do hope you are well, great to hear Martin & John are doing fine; I remember Newfields Mr Wilson (chinney) back in 1970 telling all of our class that we would never amount to much because we had an "attitude" - we also had longish hair, trench coats & liked the new rock music that was so important to us - well I think we proved him wrong many times over.

Best wishes & I will tell Keith we have "spoken"

Keep reading the forum I have lots more memories to share.


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  • 2 months later...
Hi,Rhonda Ive not been to Rushdale for years keep threatning to but not got round to it yet. Did you notice whether the scout hut is still there. I well remember the old wooden footbridge we use to walk across the hand rail, Ive fell off many a time and gone with a splash. The old house that Duffens mentions has always been a eyesore the owner used to keep old motor cars on the land in front of it. They had a few summonses from the council but it didnt make any difference. I can remember the old gas lamp with a cross on it. Can you remember anyone called Christine Hunter who went to Carfield ive tried to trace her but got nowhere.



Hiya Matey, as you can see I've been re-reading a few back pages and wondered if you've got back to Rushdale yet cos' I had the opportunity to have a sneaky look round earlier in the week.

Yes the Scout hut is still there but not the one we knew, it's built of bricks these days, smaller than the original and looking at the weathering of the bricks it's been up some time. Canterbury Ave., has'nt changed at all i.e. never seen asphalt.

What tickled me were the long yards like the ones Lol Richardson and the Freemans lived in, well there not so long now because everyone has fenced off their little bit and put gates up etc., they look like stockades one after another, I can see Davy Crocket and his mates as I type. Mine was a short visit, it was fascinating, what was said by the girls re Dr. Thompsons place is spot on, whoever did that to it should be ashamed, it's a disgrace and we all know about the place next to the old bridge, it's just got worse.


Overall you think My God what have they done to the place but then you think again, it's still got the atmosphere, places could do with a lick of paint and will probably get one when the weather gets better, No.120 (yes, your old place) needs a new number plate or the old one needs a screw in one side. I came away feeling that with a little bit of TLC, Meersbrook could be as nicer place as the one we grew up in.


I suggest you and I get together one day and have a good amble round before going for a pint and a sarny. When you're ready, give me a nod.

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I attended Annes road from 1952 to 1958 then on to newfield boys.

We lived at 160 prospect road about 5 houses above the sheaf view hotel the put is still open but totally changed over the years.

we lived in back to back houses they were very small and only had one downstairs room one bedroom attic and a cellar.

Yes thats right no toilet or bathroom in those days just a zinc bath once or twice a week if you were lucky.

Just a coal fire to keep warm in the winter people used to warm a metal plates in the oven and then wrap it in a sheet and put it in bed to take the cold chill away.

Thankfully those days are long gone and we all now hopefully have a good standard of accomidation.

My cousin also went to annes road and carfield about the same time is name is Keith Ferris.

Hope you enjoy your visit I have been to Aus and it's wonderful




Hi Angela !

Thanks for your response to my notice. You are obviously much younger than I. My sister Rita and her friends Ann and Kathleen Adams went to Anns Road and Newfield Green Schools, maybe you know of them.

I am interested to know where you lived in Heeley and what your name was back then. We lived in the row of houses at the side of the Heeley Green Pictures, opposite the shops.

Bye for now. :D

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My cousin also went to annes road and carfield about the same time is name is Keith Ferris.

Hope you enjoy your visit I have been to Aus and it's wonderful



Would his Dad's name be Walt ?

I worked with Walt at Laycock's in the cutter grind department and I think I also knew Keith.

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I attended Annes road from 1952 to 1958 then on to newfield boys.

We lived at 160 prospect road about 5 houses above the sheaf view hotel the put is still open but totally changed over the years.

we lived in back to back houses they were very small and only had one downstairs room one bedroom attic and a cellar.

Yes thats right no toilet or bathroom in those days just a zinc bath once or twice a week if you were lucky.

Just a coal fire to keep warm in the winter people used to warm a metal plates in the oven and then wrap it in a sheet and put it in bed to take the cold chill away.

Thankfully those days are long gone and we all now hopefully have a good standard of accomidation.

My cousin also went to annes road and carfield about the same time is name is Keith Ferris.

Hope you enjoy your visit I have been to Aus and it's wonderful



Hi Ian, When you lived on Prospect Road, do you recall a family named Goodison please. I'm tracing my family tree and I remember a brother & sister, may be Susan Goodison. I lived in Meersbrook then Alexandra Road and went to Carfield School around the same time as you lived on Prospect Road.



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