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Heeley Memories

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Quack Staley is my older brother, he lives in Birmingham now and has just come through a major operation to remove a tumour from his brain, all the other names I rememberas mates of my brother.


Wish him a godspeed recovery from one time classmate Tony Rastrick.


Thanks for the response, it's the very first connection (albeit indirect) I have made with the kids I went to school with.


You might have known my younger brother Roy from the Arbourthorne. He had a reunion a couple years ago for his Heeley Bank pals, and our old teacher Miss Benn was a very special guest.


I remember going to your house on Sturge Street at lunchtimes, to watch the first TV I had ever seen.



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Scaleman...it has to be L . Do you remember the Adams girl's Anne & Kathleen & Rita Johnson. I went to my first ever football match with you Wednesday of course. You probably don't remember but I certainly do.


Are they (the Adams) related to the Adams at corner of Myrtle Rd /East Bank Rd?


They had a Wednesday connection.

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Hi Trastrick

I don't know if the Adam's girls were related to the family you mentioned. The Adam's girls I refer to were twins & also had a brother called Jimmy. They lived at the back of the Barber's shop on Heeley Green & Anne married another Heeley lad called Alan Ledger.We all went to Newfield Girl's school back in the early 60's.

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Hi Trastrick

I don't know if the Adam's girls were related to the family you mentioned. The Adam's girls I refer to were twins & also had a brother called Jimmy. They lived at the back of the Barber's shop on Heeley Green & Anne married another Heeley lad called Alan Ledger.We all went to Newfield Girl's school back in the early 60's.




Sounds like we are a generation apart (I left school in 1954).

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  • 3 months later...
Is there anyone out there who attended Anns Road school between 1951 and 1955 and Carfield School between 1955 and 1959. I am visiting from Australia in July and would love to catch up with old school friends. Yes I have registered with "Friendsreunited" but only a couple of people I know have also registered. I was born and lived in Heeley until 1972.

my wife June Oldfield went to Carfield school 1957 to 1961 she remembers

Mr Cartwright, Mr Philips MrEdlington who was the headmaster , her best friend was Sandra Gregory who lived on Richards Road Heely they were both in the Netball and Rounders Teams they went everywhere together

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  • 6 months later...

Hi, I'm new to the Sheffield Forum and I've only just seen references to the Heeley Teenbar - I read a post from Scaleman (27-09-2012). I think I'm right in saying that my Mum & Dad (Mr and Mrs T. A. Shaw) opened Heeley Teenbar. They used to take me with them every Friday evening and pack me off to the cinema - which I guess must have been Heeley Palace - to get me out of the way. This must have been 1956 because I remember the big hit song at the time was 'See you later alligator, Bill Hayley and the Comets) - I was eleven years old. I have two abiding memories: I remember seeing 'Man from Laramie', James Stewart, and many other great films that have stayed with me all my life. The Teenbar attracted many of the local Teddyboys, who used occasionally to fight it out on the pavement outside the bar. My Dad's agreement with the local police was that if my he could somehow manage to get these guys into the Teenbar building, the police wouldn't make any arrests because the trouble was deemed to take place on private property. My Dad was largely successful and I'm sure he saved a lot of young men receiving criminal records early in their lives. The Teenbar was, after all, an early attempt to 'understand teenage' with all its attendant problems. Fond memories, and great music !

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