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Farm ground walks


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Can anyone remember the whit Monday walks to the Farm grounds, We set off monday morning in our new whitsontide shoes that rubbed, (whitsontide clothes were very important then) to walk in procession from St Vincents to Granville Rd. The Farm grounds were where All Saints school is now.The land belonged to the Duke of Norfolk who is catholic so prob leased the land to the church for the school. At this time it was a sort of annex to Norfolk Park, beautiful Park.

At the front of our procession were a band of Irish Pipers, followed by smaller children sitting on a dray pulled by a horse and older children walking behind. Once when the procession came to an abrupt halt, cos he had his music sheet in front, the ppenny wistle went straight down one pipers throat and he was spitting blood most of the way. Everytimewe passed a pub one or two o the pipers would drop out so by the time we got there there wern't many left.

When we got there we were given a bag of goodiess and let run riot. I can remember a lake and rhodedendons, and a happy day.

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cant remember the walks but recall the fayre that used to be held there once a year........our whitsun walk were down prince of wales road to high hazels park where the scouts,boys brigade girl scouts miners brass bands etc, would all meet up.

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  • 2 years later...

Yes I remember the Whit sunday walks very well. We (family) stood at the bottom of Granville Road t see the procession and then followed up to Farm Grounds.. Other Sheffild Parks did the same Walk for their area. I remember the fair too, plus the equivalent to the Sheffield Show with entertainmement and boxing competitions.

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