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Trying to find Albert Edward Bird


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I am trying to find out about my great, great grandfather Albert Edward Bird who was born in Sheffield on 15 August 1846. Albert was brought to Melbourne Australia to run professionally in 1869 along with 2 other athletes, Topley and Hewitt. Albert was apparently the long distance running champion of England. Albert was very successful particularly establishing many long distance running records in Tasmania where he settled in 1872.


I was hoping to learn more about Albert's life before he left England, especially anything about his running career. I would appreciate hearing from anybody who may know something of Albert or could suggest where I can find out about his running career in England.





John Bird

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There is a registration for an Albert Bird, September quarter 1846, Sheffield.

Volume 22 Page 629.

If you send for a copy of Albert's birth certificate you will find the names of his mother & father.


Cynthia. Canada

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  • 1 year later...

I have a couple of newspaper reports about Albert Birds running races in Sheffield if you are interested I can send them. I am compiling a booklet of mini biographies of athletes from Sheffield in Victorian times and Albert Bird is one of the athletes I am interested in. Would also like to hear more about what happened to him after he settled in Australia.



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