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Power cut discussion thread... please save electricity during the crisis

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Perfectly timed power cut this evening at Stannington. 6-05pm just as tea had been on for 10 minutes:hihi: Quick trip into Hillsborough for tea and powers just come back on.


The power cuts do have their good sides though - my teenage sons are starting to learn the art of conversation again:hihi:

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Just out of interest, all the people who were in S6 4 who have had a power cut this evening, which zone were you in (i.e. 1a, 1b etc). The reason I ask is that I'm there too but we haven't had one, so I must be in a different zone to you. There are two zones listed for my postcode so I might be able to work out which one I'm in if anyone can tell me that!

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well the group times for my post code do not match up to the cuts we have had,our power just went off again about ten mins ago.. I just give up on fathoming the lists from ce

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Can only talk about s6 4 land but seems to me that its on a 12 hour rotation , if you get cut at 6am you will also get cut at 6pm too..so if you aviod getting kicked off the system for 12 hours you might not get cut at all....


But maybe with the earths fuels being used up, we are being used as test subjects for a new power shareing way. :)


At x time in a day we all have to go with out for 3 hours... maybe just maybe.. :)

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I live S6 5 Stannington Road (group 1a and at the top of the expect-a-power-cut list). I've escaped elsewhere but just popped back to check on things and can confirm that power still off - came on for a bit this morning and a little bit in afternoon according to the neighbours. I know that not everyone can but I'd suggest getting out and staying with mates/family if at all poss until friday, which is the day they say all will return to normal. I'm going to keep popping back and I'l post when I ever I get more info. Good luck!

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Just been reading the info re further cuts and to my horror see the S6 4 area is due for one between 6-9am .....:rant: what a stupid time, just when im trying to get ready for work....bloomin hell!!


Is this definate???? :huh:


Tell me about it! Im starting work at 7 so Im getting up about 6 and need to get ready!!!

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Just out of interest, all the people who were in S6 4 who have had a power cut this evening, which zone were you in (i.e. 1a, 1b etc). The reason I ask is that I'm there too but we haven't had one, so I must be in a different zone to you. There are two zones listed for my postcode so I might be able to work out which one I'm in if anyone can tell me that!


Im in S6 4 and we didnt have one this evening either! Just at 12.20-3.20.

One of my neighbours with the exact samepostcode has been without power for over 48 hours now! How can that happen then?

Im in 1c.

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Sorry if anyone has already mentioned this, but I have just cut and pasted the below thread from "Have Your Say" on the BBC News Website. Fiona Moorcroft, you should be ashamed of yourself for being so selfish:



Added: Wednesday, 27 June, 2007, 12:35 GMT 13:35 UK


We are currently expecting a City Centre power cut in Sheffield, to help restore power to those who have had none since Monday - It seems bizarre that they are happy to close the businesses that make Sheffield money in order to give power to homes that cannot use electric anyways as they are flooded with water!


Fiona Moorcroft, Sheffield





Yes we have been flooded, but you try being without power for 3 days!!! They were only cutting your supply for 3 hours. I for one am appalled.

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