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New Gym - Flooded

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Cheers Price,


Who are you ? :D




Eyup lotar ,

Sorry to take so long with my reply. You may not remember me, but I had to stop training with you when you stopped using GREENS GYM. My other training and teaching coincided with your times, so I wasn't able to attend your other sessions. If you do remember don't publish my name, I want to keep my anonimitynessness.


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Hiya Craig,

I've had alook at your times but unfortunately I don't think I can attend.

I train/teach 4 nights a week that only leaves me Wednesday, which I value as a "day off". Sunday wouldn't do me much good as my frail body is in no condition to be conditioned. Anyway, I have the times etc. now so if I do have a free night I know where you are.

Cheers and my regards to Debs.

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