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The Strines Inn @ Bradfield- what's the food like?


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Well I went because I'd heard it was really nice. But, to be frank, it was poo.


Ye Olde Mustard Pot - I looked at the menu and can honestly say there isn't a single item on there that appealed to me. And for the price they charge? No ta.


But thanks for the replies.

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Oh thats a shame :(

I've had gammon & chilli before (not together! :gag:) and they were nice. Good sized portions too, and their home-made ketchup is yummy :D


Did you have steak?

tbh I'd only order steak at a proper restaurant, especially in Sheffield - where they seem to think 'rare' means 'brown all the way through' :roll:

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Ye Olde Mustard Pot - I looked at the menu and can honestly say there isn't a single item on there that appealed to me.


'Roasted Flat Mushroom filled with Moroccan Spiced Cous Cous Topped with mozzarella cheese with an orange cinnamon dressing'


mmmmmmm. Why do veggies always get the best sounding stuff? :huh:

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'Roasted Flat Mushroom filled with Moroccan Spiced Cous Cous Topped with mozzarella cheese with an orange cinnamon dressing'


mmmmmmm. Why do veggies always get the best sounding stuff? :huh:


Sounds like that would be lovely served with a slab of meat :D:hihi:

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It may have been the Yorkshire Bridge - i've just googled it and it may be! Thanks I will check this out!!!!


Which way did you come back from Manchester, Snake or Woodhead, Yorkshire Bridge is on the road into Bamford from the Ladybower Dam turn off when coming along the Snake, Ladybower Inn is just up on your left after the turn off, both are really good. But I wouldn't have thought either was big enough to hold Wedding Receptions there. BUT !!! there is a place on your way back from Castleton called The Rising Sun that holds Wedding Receptions

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Ye old mustard pot is superb. Never had a bad meal there yet, although sometimes the veggie starter is a bit clashing with the main course. (i.e. veggie mushroom starter and veggie mushroom based course but I don't usually let that be a problem as their creme brulee is :love::love::love: so I have dessert instead. :D

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I'm not sure if anyone knows but i'll ask anyway......


I once went to a largish pub out near the Strines on our way back from MCR (It wasn't the Strines pub though) It served homecooked food and had a sort of largish car park and looked like it was set off the road behind some trees. It was winter but I can remember it like yesterday. The place looked like they may hold wedding receptions there.


Has anyone got an idea of what this pub is called? As it was fab!! Would love to find this place and visit it again! Trawled the net before but never found it :suspect:


Was it The Haychatters in Haychatters wood, on route from Strines to Bradfield? Think it shut years ago.

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