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Asked for ID by Bouncers at Cavendish


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We went there at 7pm and I got IDd, I'm 27 and I don't look young! I really dont' understand it, my friend had her ID but I didn't so they wouldn't even consider letting us in.


I understand if they have a policy to ID everyone but surely they can see that I wasn't 17 (I wish)...they're gonna lose money surely?! :loopy:

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We went there at 7pm and I got IDd, I'm 27 and I don't look young! I really dont' understand it, my friend had her ID but I didn't so they wouldn't even consider letting us in.


I understand if they have a policy to ID everyone but surely they can see that I wasn't 17 (I wish)...they're gonna lose money surely?! :loopy:


You aint the first:)

Two of my friends were turned away a couple of weeks ago both in their late twenties. The bouncers were very insulting towards the two women aswell and told them they looked like they would be more at home in the Park and Arbourthorne anyway.

Both of these women are very well to do and were not impressed at what was implied by the comment. One of them has since approached the management and is awaiting a response.

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Yes they were rude to the both of us too. We were dressed respectfully and it was only 7pm so clearly hadn't had chance to get drunk yet. Funny thing is, we only wanted to go in there as it was raining and the nearest place to get to!


I really don't expect to need to take ID out when I'm 27...I got asked for it less when I was 17 to be honest!

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I feel bouncers are loosing touch on who looks under age, on Friday night we went to Walkabout and this woman couldnt get in, she looked in her early 30`s and she was gobsmacked she got ID`d, we were all in shock as well as she clearly didnt look under age, and of course she had no ID as she didnt need it.


We also couldnt get in either as one of the lads had a England shirt on.


What is this world coming to, you cannot have a drink these days.

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Might be worth having ID on you when you go out?

They need to be very sure that no underagers are in. Especially with the recent changes in licensing laws meaning bar staff themselves are liable for a fine if they server underagers - much easier to have door staff doing the checks.

Personally, I think the Cavendish is hell on earth, but it does seem to keep the students all in one place.

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The Cavendish is renowned for this, the doorstaff are bullying borderline retards with chips on their shoulders, apart from the fat ginger one who has eaten his.


They have the social skills of baboons who take sadistic pleasure out of doing what has been outlined above.


I would like to add not all bouncers are like this, most do a very difficult job professionally.


The Cavendish doorstaff are rank amateurs who appear to pick on the very people who DO NOT cause trouble as they are an easy target. This very fact leads me beleive if they did their job correctly and stopped the real trouble makers they would end up in blood and snot on the deck.


Tossers. :rant::rant::rant:


Phew thats better. :D

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yeah, a couple of years ago a m8 of mine who is actually older than me, got ID'd, and they wouldnt let him in.. I just walked straight in..


Might be worth having ID on you when you go out?


and what about people like me who dont have ID? No Driving license, or NUS, no credit card(s), and dunno where my birth certificate is, but its not like im gonna carry that around now is it?

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I wouldn't want to drink anywhere that didn't want me.


There are plenty of bars in town that are not up their own backsides.


For this reason, I boycotted the Forum for two years! I'd drunk there for many years and then all of a sudden, one week they put out this red carpet.

'Girls you can't come in tonight' the bouncer said, 'you have to be a member. '

To which i said, "Well I come here all the time (which i did at that point) how do you get to be a member?"

He dismissively thrust a piece of paper in my hand and replied, "Read this leaflet"

I glanced at it and then remarked, "I've read it, can i come in now?"

He wasn't very impressed :hihi:

As I was reasonably inhebriated, I gave him a piece of my mind, told him to shove his ***** bar and went elsewhere.

Then the following week when his mate shouted, "you coming in tonight?" we just walked straight past - for two years.


Then a mate dragged me in and i decided the statute of limitations of Paddington hard stares had run out so I went back again. (plus i quite liked the idea of the common room :hihi:)

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