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Asked for ID by Bouncers at Cavendish


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If its the little asian guy i'm thnking of he is excellent and your right he is very helpful and soo chilled out i thought he was asleep, and correct me if im wrong but he doesnt work for ace security like the other bouncers does he?,

Yes if i had any problems in the chavendish at all he is the bouncer i would talk to and i dont think he works at blacks anymore. on the fat ginger bouncer subject i think he's called Tom, Ha Ha ginger Tom..... sorry just thought it was funny.


Hi littlefairy,

His name is Asmol, he works for knox leisure and security.

Im his cousin Farhad :)

Tell him I said Hello next time you go there.

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so you offered barstaff outside?


people wonder why they get rubbish service at bars?


people cause a scene because they cant get into a bar without ID.. no matter how old they are??


see a theme?


remember people.... your are invited into public houses... its not your given right to be there..


I personally think bar staff do a bloody good job:thumbsup:, especially with the grief they have to put up with on a daily basis! There will always be one though...

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A couple of years back me and a mate tried to go in The Cavendish, it was only early evening and we were both sober.


The doormen said it was full, when clearly it was nowhere near full, so we walked off.


We got about 20 yeards away when they then said "ok lads you can come in", so we just said forget it and kept walking, and then they started to follow us up the street.


Bizzarre behaviour for doormen. They only work for a cheesy chain pub that sells plastic food and crap beer to student's...no idea why they are so far up their own arses.

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I refuse to carry any kind of formal ID as I think it is an infringement on my civil liberties. I am 26 and do not look under 22 by any stretch. I have been ID'd more times in the last 2 years than in the 2 years before I turned 18 - crazy!


Although, I usually get in anyway. By just keeping calm, smiling in a suprised way and saying something like "No mate, I'm 26, I haven't carried ID for ages" make sure you are making eye-contact at the end of the sentence and have a non-agressive stance/body-language. They usually let you in, or if they don't - say something like "alright mate, I understand" and start walking off looking at other bars. They may call you back and let you in.


Out of the last 8 times i have been ID'd I have got in 7 times (with no ID). BE NICE!


Part of bouncer's job is to try and get a rise out of people they aren't sure about to judge your response to help them decide. Although granted some of them are on some kind of power trip

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im a sheffield bouncer ive worked on the cav i know the lads an there an ya all complanein about bein asked for ya id?? think ov it as a complament that some ov ya look unda 21 an for the prat that says 1 ov the lads "ran inside an called the cops" wen u offed him out stop feedin bull**** coz i know non ov em would do that an for the 1's complanein bout i only had ma "nus card" carry a drivein lisence or a passport for god sake quit wingein an by we aint bullying borderline retards with chips on their shoulders so get a life all ov u


The only way I can read that is if I imagine Hale & Pace saying it.

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Although, I usually get in anyway. By just keeping calm, smiling in a suprised way and saying something like "No mate, I'm 26, I haven't carried ID for ages" make sure you are making eye-contact at the end of the sentence and have a non-agressive stance/body-language. They usually let you in, or if they don't - say something like "alright mate, I understand" and start walking off looking at other bars. They may call you back and let you in.


Out of the last 8 times i have been ID'd I have got in 7 times (with no ID). BE NICE!



so so true. why do people on this forum seem to think that by being aggressive to bar/door staff they will get their own way? when people act like that it makes you more determined not to serve them.

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im a sheffield bouncer ive worked on the cav i know the lads an there an ya all complanein about bein asked for ya id?? think ov it as a complament that some ov ya look unda 21 an for the prat that says 1 ov the lads "ran inside an called the cops" wen u offed him out stop feedin bull**** coz i know non ov em would do that an for the 1's complanein bout i only had ma "nus card" carry a drivein lisence or a passport for god sake quit wingein an by we aint bullying borderline retards with chips on their shoulders so get a life all ov u


Oh my god, that's so funny...:hihi: No wonder there is no room for reason...

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im a sheffield bouncer ive worked on the cav i know the lads an there an ya all complanein about bein asked for ya id?? think ov it as a complament that some ov ya look unda 21 an for the prat that says 1 ov the lads "ran inside an called the cops" wen u offed him out stop feedin bull**** coz i know non ov em would do that an for the 1's complanein bout i only had ma "nus card" carry a drivein lisence or a passport for god sake quit wingein an by we aint bullying borderline retards with chips on their shoulders so get a life all ov u


Sorry, I only speak English. Maybe that's where the communication barrier broke down.


Now pick those knuckles up, shave your back, and take a remedial class in grammar.


Is it any wonder?

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Yeah, I got ID'd for buying a ruddy Lottery ticket last year in the Stannington Village Co Op! I wouldn't mind but I've been buying Lottery tickets for years with no problems! And some jobsworth decides to question me?! What the heck?!


As for the West St thing, normally I wouldn't go drinking in Town apart from the occassional Dev Cat meet, but it's a work thing so I couldn't really say no.


Yes but do you realise that if you happen to get caught selling

alcohol/lottery tickets/ cigs to someone under age thats its the

shop assistant NOT just the shop that gets fined?- so yeah call

them jobsworth but its better than losing your job for the sake

of someone who can't be arsed to carry any I.D:rolleyes:

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