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I Agree. Although I still LOVE Barnes Green. I want to keep Bertie *grins* He's my big baby. I love little Wally too. He's sweet. I take the children out on their hacks now after my lesson. Oh yeah, I love Pepper too (one of the really diddy ponies the kiddies ride). He's SO cute. I love it when kids have their first ever canter 'cos the ponies are so careful and look after them so much. Or when they have their first jumping lesson on Smartie or Cola - it's so sweet

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I cant believe they still have bertie wally and pepper!!


We have horses called bertie and pepper here are camp rim rock haha!


Well Im back on the 16 September so Ill be coming back to mallard house and maybe even visit barnes green, Id like to lookm into working with horses part time when i get back!


How are your lessons going amy and di???


Sarah xx

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Do I count as 'Di'? Well Ill tell you anyway. FAB. Bin doin some triples on Bert, who i think is really cool (even though he smells :) ) and doing a lot of schoolin on Sadie. Yep, Wally and Pepper are still there. Peppers really gr8 with the kids and I love wallys little beard. All the horses whos names I know who are still there are: Wally, Pepper, Cola, Smartie, Minstrel, Coco, Bertie, Sadie, Pilgrim, Mirlow, Charlie, Luna, Blaze, Tyson, Domino, Wurzel & ... that's it. Can't remember the others. My dad's girlfriend is in the middle of doing her BHS Stage 1 at the moment

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hi, just wanted to say I learnt to ride at snowdon farm too and they teach you properly. There are lots of riding teachers that will just take your money, let you trot around a bit, but youre not really riding them. - the minute you start with snowdon, you find out if you can really ride with wht your othr schools have taught you!




:) :) :) :) :) :)

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hi all,


i have just got back into horse riding and would like if someone would come with me as i dont want to go alone,, i have recently been riding in somerset and can confidently say i should be ok!!!


if anyone is interested in going in next couple of weeks or anyone who has couple horses and would like to earn some extra money goin out for a hack pm me :D

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Well if either of you fancy lessons at my yard Id be happy to give you the guided tour and introduce you to all the horses.


I had a lesson on our yard with Denise O'Reilly the other day - she's a 'Biomechanics' rider who was a student of Mary Wanless's - she used to coach the British Dressage Team. Im still aching but it was really really useful. She basically takes everything you've ever been taught and chucks it out the window and changes your entire position and everything - but it really works!

I want someone to come to my yard so we can talk about the ponies there :P I dont understand all the Mallards / Barnes Green chat!



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Im back from america, been teaching lots of young girls how to ride the english way all summer in sunny west virginia!



Now Im back though I really want to keep teaching and riding over here... might nip up to smelting sometime this weekend and see if i could do any work up there in my spare time??


Anyone need someone to help on their yard/teach/exercise horses?


Sarah xx

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HI there,


I'm a german student moving to Sheffield in a shortwhile and I'd like to keep on taking horse-riding lessons.


Can anyone recommend a riding school? I'm getting a bit confused with this chat :help:


Or does anyone know some horseowner needing help with their horse and giving lessons? Either in exchange for the help or paid?


@jojoba: are you teaching lessons???? Where is the yard?

I'd be interested in having a look around... :) can't pm you, is only my second post...


thanks for the help,



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