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Horse Riding Companions


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Hiya, haven't met any of you but if you ride out from prior royd again and want a companion let me know, I can pop over on my little cob and meet you all. Nearly liveried him there, but ended up at the other end of the woods (High Green).


Grenoside and the connecting woodlands are really ace to hack in, and you can get onto the trans pennine trail too, that passes Mallard house at Wortley and a place we call Chews (not sure how to spell it tho'). In the summer its just lovely and very relaxing, worth going out of your way for.


Also think someone does longer hacks and picnics, think its Barnes Green but could be wrong, met a group of kids with lunchpacks last summer anyway.


Look out for me if you're out that way, chubby middly aged mum on a chunky skewbald cob, with looney bull terrier and gasping husband in tow usually. Feel free to ask me if you want to know anything about the area as its now my home turf as it were.


Really cheers me up just to see some horsey stuff on the forum even if I can't get organised to join up with you all!

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I have tried snowdon farm riding centre and have to say I didn't really enjoy it that much. I used to ride and had my own horses up until 18, I can't afford to have my own horse now so thought riding lessons would be a compromise. At snowdon they asked about my experience and got me on a horse (who was nice and forward going) but then told me how most people who have had there own horses can't ride and kept hammering this point. (By the way I can ride and although I am sure my technique is far from perfect it's not like I fall off or anything.) I then spent an hour walking and trotting round the school which if I still had my own horse would have been useful but when you can only afford to go riding once or twice a month it was hardly fun. I mean I could see they wanted to improve my technique but at the end of the day I was looking to enjoy myself as it's unlikely I am ever going to get my own horse again.


So if you want to seriously improve your riding they may be good but having ridden at Barnes Green as well I would say the latter give you better value for your money as you learn and enjoy yourself.

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Have young cob, only castrated recently and green to ride. He needs company riding out as he finds it all a bit much and spends all his time trying to go home as fast as possible to see his girlfriends in the field next door.


Anyone ride out regularly in the Grenoside woods? I'm based near the Jet Garage on Penistone Rd and can get into the woods at that end.


Anyone with a nice quiet horse is welcome to keep me company for a nice quiet hack. Can do trot and canter, but don't like spooky or feisty companions as I need to build up our confidence.


I do know all the tracks well so if you want to explore I could introduce you to the area.



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