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interesting probably get on well with chemical ali if he was around now



Nikola Tesla was a very interesting character http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla

not into royalty thay may ave been a place for them in the past but not now


power to the people


I agree with you totally there - royalty in the past is a fascinating subject, but it has absolutely no place in the modern world.



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Good question Cressida.


I'm interested in the Tudors, I particularly enjoyed finding out about Mary Queen of Scots.


sadly ruled by her heart (Bothwell particularly) but after the French court, the Scottish one must have seemed a bit lack-lustre - bit of a pun there

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I would look a little closer to home and say anyone of my ancestors. I would love to know how they lived and what they would think of the family now. As I type this I'm working on my family tree and looking through the births, marriages and deaths. This stuff really fascinates me!!

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I would look a little closer to home and say anyone of my ancestors. I would love to know how they lived and what they would think of the family now. As I type this I'm working on my family tree and looking through the births, marriages and deaths. This stuff really fascinates me!!


How far you got back Agent?


I've been doing this for the last 4 years on and off, got back to late 1700's.


You're right, absolutely fascinating and sometimes a quite emotional journey.

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yes, I believe they went to France as Margaret of Burgundy was the sister of Richard III and Edward IV, and there was talk of a portrait of Richard being altered by painting him with a humpback - so what they used to swing axes about then

another interesting fact is the princess used to spend a lot of their time at sir richards home,he was often their guardian on trips abroad as he was distantly related to the nobility at the time,his ancesters were cousins of william the conquerer and fought on his side at hastings,they were rewarded with lands in essex and france later moving to ireland in 1167 where they became holders of vast estates

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How far you got back Agent?


I've been doing this for the last 4 years on and off, got back to late 1700's.


You're right, absoulutely fascinating and sometimes quite emotional journey.


Erm, about 1840 at the moment. So, I'm back to my great, great, great granddad. I've only just started to get back into this as time has not really been on my side of late. It's frustrating to say the least, but highly rewarding when you get info that you want or discover something out of the ordinary.


This has, so far, been an emotional journey for me as I didn't know anything about my family. My granddad died when I was 11 so I wasn't in a position to ask too much about the family back then. Anyway, I've discovered plenty including deaths in various battles of world war 1, my great grandmother dying shortly after my granddad's birth which resulted in him being adopted, plenty of infant deaths in the early 1900's and so on. Oh, and what's more, getting in touch with relatives in Australia and seeing a diary that my ancestor wrote on her voyage to Australia as she emigrated back in the 1880's.

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