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A truly wonderful work, it should be compulsory reading for all.:)


Well! Have I found a fellow enthusiast for this book? Get in touch--I have a whole collection of stuff on this fascinating man and his continuing legacy.


Did you know there is an International Boethius Society?

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I am also interested in the books by Maurice Druon, "The Accursed Kings", they tell the story of Philip IV of France, known as Philip the Fair, on account of his appearance that is, as it was he who destroyed the Knights Templar. He had three daughters-in-law, two of whom were imprisoned for infidelity, Margaret was married to his eldest son and the book on her was called "The Strangled Queen", Blanche and Jeanne were the others, the books give a very good background to the demise of the Knights Templar and should be of some interest to those who found the Da Vinci book and film interesting

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My interests include:


*Birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger

*World War I nurse Edith Cavell, who was executed for helping Allied soldiers flee to safety

*Prohibition-era bank robbers Bonnie (Parker) & Clyde (Barrow)

*Ralph Waldo Emerson and others in the Transcendentalist movement

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I think Heinrich Himmler was a facinating character, not because his views or personality were interesting, fascinating or true but because of the great contrast between his personality and his official position in the Nazi heirarchy.


On a prsonal level he was apparently on a par with, say, a dithering, slightly obsessed, mild-mannered, not-too-bright tax inspector from any small town in Western Europe. His appearance was of a weak, flabby, rather effeminate type and [ whether true or not ] one would imagine his handshake to be limp and sweaty.Yet, this unprepossessing man came to hold the power of life or death over millions in Europe from around 1933 until 1945.


This was largely due to his absolute loyalty to Hitler who valued loyalty to himself far above everything else. Thus, the most unlikely individuals could end up with an enormous amount of power if their loyalty to Der Fuehrer had been from the early days and unwavering.


Himmler always tried to ' toughen up ' his public image but it never quite seemed real......because it wasn't ! One has a certain image of those who are bloodthirsty and tyrranical e.g. Genghis Khan, Nero, Mussolini, Stalin , to name a few at random, and one can imagine that they were cruel, decisive and harsh in private too.


That is what makes Himmler so fascinating a character for me -----the complete contrast between his public image [and indeed his public responsibilities ] and the private man-----so mild, so hesitant, a man you wouldn't notice in a crowd of 3 people !


One could perhaps have bet in 1930 that Goering, for example, would find an important role in the Nazi party but......Himmler.....? Who'd a ' thought it !

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