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National service

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Are there any ex officers on here? Somebody opined that Floridablade was commisioned.

I'd like to hear what an officer thought of their duties back then. Orderly Officer of the day for instance. They had to do the guard mount, 'any complaints' in the cookhouse, what else did they do. Did they try and 'skive' off like ORs did?

Did anybody have the guts to complain? I did just once. For a bet. The first chance I got, on the question 'any complaints', I piped up 'Yes sir, I could do with some more'.

Looking back it was bloody funny. I was called Oliver for weeks. The Sergeant cook could hardly keep a straight face, and the officer, well, he couldn't stop laughing. The whole mess hall was in uproar. Best audience I'd ever had, but it took a long time to live it down.

Thing is though, all the cooks on serving duty after that, would always give me a tiny serving and then the regular dollop, so I always finished up with a little bit more anyhow.

The guy who put me up to it was on his guard for ever more after that incident.

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Yes I was commissioned but through the ranks, Radio Mech, F of S, then TOT.


When I did orderly officer and asked for complaints one or two would always pipe up with, " Too much salt in the spuds " or " no salt in the spuds " we had to make note of the complaints in the events book. I always took the view that when the lads stop complaining then I'll get worried.


I was on duty in Bengazi and the lad on the gate called out the guard, I was sat on the throne at the time in the guard room but managed to scramble to my feet and although a bit disheveled managed to stagger over to the gate. The sentry had heard a shot about 200 yards away on the road to the airport. It turned out to be the Colonel who was going to stage the coup against King Idris had been shot in his car on the way to the airport. Qaddafi took over soon after, he was a Colonel in the Signals at the BMM ( British Military Mission ).

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Quite a few Signals people on this forum, I served with 3Div. ( Colchester/Suez 1956) and 4 Div. ( Herford 1960-3 ) and 29 brigade ( Colchester and N.I. ) the rest of the time I was detached.


25th armored 3yrs Libya with a few floating on loans my U.K time was spent in Christchurch working on this new beamed radio and channeling gizzmos try to tell us a 1inch could replace our 40 foot sky wave,huh likely story :loopy::loopy::loopy:

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I joined the York & lancaster Regt in 1959 the back end of National service days.The York & Lancs then disbanded in 1968 . I then was transfered to the Duke of Wellingtons Regt.I left the Army in 1983.

Hi, I joined the York & Lancaster Regiment over in Cyprus and took redundancy when the regiment disbanded, I was one of the last to be released on 31st march 1969 which was the official closing down of the regiment date although as you say the final parade (laying up of the colours) took place on 14th December 1968, my brother was also in the regiment as were several school and TA firends as I'd joined the Hallamshires (TA) in 1962.

Maybe we know each other?

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I would have been called up for National Service but I signed on for extra years so I could join a Military Band.

I served for two years in Hong Kong !958-60.

Looking back they were years that were very informative, and broadened my mind no end.

Not a complete waste of time .

I was glad I was there.

What do other 68's year olds and older think?

I missed national service and joined up as a regular; coming from Sheffield I joined the York & Lancaster Regiment which is where many members were recruited from.

When they found out that I was a Bass guitarist from the 'Sheffield Beat Scene' I was invited to join the regimental band to form what they now call a 'Rock Band' I also took up Baritone Saxophone for the Military Band and studied at the Royal Military School of Music (Knellar Hall London).


This is a shot of the regimental bands reed section (I'm second left top) on 1 Y&Ls last overseas posting in Cyprus 1968


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