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National service

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Sorry I must be thinking Korea I know they was one tough bunch,but what I wanted to say was ,it took many from around the world to get the upper hand,the German's also being pretty good fighters themselves, Hitler being a nut case just took on too much.

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Always remember pulling guard duty and posted at the main gate at Royal Artillery Depot Woolwich. We were issued the standard rifle in use at the time, NATO version of the Belgian FN, unloaded of course. Officers coming and going all the time specially when there was a regimental dinner at the officers mess of an evening. Had to keep a sharp eye on those shoulder tabs. Major (crown) and above full present arms and captain and below the half arms present


Bad news if you didn't get it right. A b*l*a*ing from the offended officer and another from the guard duty sergeant afterwards.


Lucky for me I managed to avoid that but some weren't so lucky

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Sorry I must be thinking Korea I know they was one tough bunch,but what I wanted to say was ,it took many from around the world to get the upper hand,the German's also being pretty good fighters themselves, Hitler being a nut case just took on too much.


I didn't do National Service but heard from some mates about the Turks in Korea.

They would have taken on the Chinese with their teeth if needed. :hihi:

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only been in Libya a matter of weeks our camp was at Beniena Airport guarding the old hanger/M.T compound, half asleep in our tent we heard a"halt who gos halt halt "followed by 6quick shots rushed out to find a dozy who should never have been in the army with a loaded rifle had let go at old Suzana the camp donkey missing at 6feet with all shots ,that was the last time we were allowed ammo':hihi::hihi::hihi:

When I arrived in Cyprus June 66 our regiment was on 6 weeks training in Lybia (pre Gadaffi) I was on the baggage party at Nicosia airport (Akrotiri was having work done on the runway), the custom shed guys got used to us and never bothered us so when the planes carrying the companys landed we would stand outside the custom shed holding tortoises, tranny radios flick knives etc whilst the guys were checked through customs and hand it all back when they came out of the cleared door. I still laugh when I think about it.

Spike Milligan said it all in his books; they sure weren't made up.

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always good to try anything once ,and what I now call my extended holiday being at least 3weeks late in returning to camp( long story) but I land up in Cyprus where I booked to a camp in transit final a R.A.F was going to Malta sounds good to me I spent 4 weeks swiming and hanging around and then off to Tripoli couple of weeks later back to Bengarzi(benena airport) I was around 3months late but had my good story ready, didn't need it all the little Scouse S.S.M said was enjoy your holiday, now to top it all I'd drawn pay in all of the 3 camps I'd visited expecting it to be taken off my pay book but on my next pay i had 3 months back pay to come,never did find what happen to my subs and sure wasn't going to ask.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

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