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National service

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A while back, I seem to remember somebody mentioning Colonel(Lips)Gaddaffi,while in Libya.

Was it you flyer or was it you 911wasalie? Has he really had Botox?


Gaddaffi was after my time (52ish) King Idris was on the throne when i was there saw him many times as D.R, was however in the same barracks(Bengarzi airport) where do believe Gaddaffi's Signals moved into when we left for Tripoli ,that was around 54:cool::cool:

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brought back a few memorys ,I was never good in the army in fact I'm very lucky i wasn't shot (Long storys)while cleaning out the Co's office while all was on morning parade good time to check on my file easy to find because it was twice as thick as the rest ,In which C.O had wrote Clarke(I) errs to disipline will do anything if you ask him nothing if you tell him how well he knew me, got a change of trade soon after to D.R, thats all I ever wanted big motor bike the whole of Libya to play in and no boss

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TO any E.X Forces read thread 487 page 25 might be of interest

This relates to the Fellowship of Services.

I was a member and found it a friendly association where members helped each other wherever possible. Everyone was tret as an equal regardless of past rank or service.

Sadly some messes have closed down but would recommend the Fellowship to all ex servicemen.

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Was there any difference between the regulars and national servicemen in regard to how each group was tret and attitudes etc ?

Speaking for myself here harvey. I would treat regulars and National Servicemen with the deference and their rank deserved, to their face. If they were just the same rank as myself, then, with a certain amount of pity. It was the boy soldiers I couldn't stand. They were individuals who joined from school and intended to make the Army their life. Usually they were a pain in the butt.

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I was in an Infantry Regimental Band ,don't remember any 'looners' but we had one or two eccentric's.

One chap also a Scot played Oboe in the concert band ,Cymbals in the marching band ,he could also play a String base and the Pipes.

He would often be on parade with just one gaiter or without his beret.

We were often despised by a lot of the squaddies.

We did not do guard duty ,were not issued rifles.

In action we were supposed to be stretcher bearers and help with first aid.

What a joke ,it's a good job we never had to do that.


As soon as I saw Catterick mentioned, memories came coming back,I got off the train at Richmond after a journey from Sheffield in Nov55,the compartment I was in was full of lads my age,and not a word was spoken by anydody all the way there,but you could feel the tention,a big tall lance jack,was out side the station,wearing a cheese cutter and holding a pacing stick,shouting Signals to the right, Armoured to the left,I dont know how he managed to see anybody with that cheesecutter on.I went left,into the back of a truck,we ended up at Waitworth camp right on the end of the Yorkshire moors,the training Regiment was The 5th Royal inneskillen Dragoon Guards,did 5weeks Square bashing,and 8 weeks corp. training, and with it being Nov it was freezing,I was given a regiment, 5 Royal Tank Regiment,they were in North Africa,Libya,after embarkation leave,flew out to libya, on a propeller aircraft he did it in three hops, having to refuel was sick as a pig,first time I had flown on a plane, then a back off a truck ride 150 miles to a camp in the middle of nowwhere,spent 16 Months there, and was there when Nasser took over the Suez Canal,came home on the advance party,got 44days leave, and then 16 day extention,went back to Catterick getting the camp ready for the main party,was home every weekend,finally I finished NOV 57. Enjoyed every minute of it,did me a world of good and made a lot of good mates

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