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You gotta love the council! They've been watering plants in the flood area...

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If the plants are in tubs then they may well need watering. The gardening expert on Radio Sheffield this Sunday said exactly that. He said that you may look daft going out and watering your tubs and hanging baskets but they need it. When the sun comes out tubs soon dry out, just look how quick the roads dried up, only a day after the floods they were mostly bone dry.


After last week everyone needs something to brighten the place up, would you rather they waste all the money already spent on the plants by letting them dry up ?

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Sounds like someone has green fingers!!

You are quite right Zarniwoop the tubs do drain very quickly.

But you can imagine the picture in a caption contest...


1.Council trying to hide the flood water in plant pot!!

2. Its been raining cats and dogs so the plants need watering.



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Just looked out of my office window to see the council watering all the plants along brightside lane :D :D


I think they have had quite enough recently!!! :hihi:


The plants are in tubs and baskets , they need water!!! :mad:


If the council were to leave them,they would get critcised , if they water them ,enter Britain in Bloom ,they will get criticised?? can't win can they!!


Don't you think the bigggest message Sheffielders and the council can give out, is after all the crap we have gone through this last week,after all the hard work in the clear up, let's show we can make the area's that were badley flooded were people live and work looking as nice as possible , and life needs to go on?

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After the last week we all owe council workers (among many others but council is the subject of OP) a great debt of gratitude not criticism.


Well said. :thumbsup:


I believe much of the roadside planting is sponsored and the sponsors wouldn't be too happy if the Council just let the plants wilt.

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This is classic perception management, though; even in a situation like this normal life has to continue.


A week ago the place was flooded, folks are still trying to get their lives together, etc. and people just see council workers watering plants, and that's obviously uppermost in their thoughts as 'Daft Council'.


But, to be honest, it needs doing but given the current situation they might have actually tried to do it at a less conspicuous time.


And yes - big pat on the back to the council workers!

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