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Squash - not the right time of year but with this weather!!!

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Hi all,


I know its not really the best time of year to be playing squash, with Wimbledon on and the great British Summer!!


But with the weather being as it is, I have dusted off my squash racket and had a game a couple of weeks ago with someone off the forum andf meeting someone else this week for a game.


If anyone else is feeling the way I do and would like a game, please drop me a message and we can try and arrange a game.


Many thnaks,



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Hi Pete,


Been to physio again today - says it's coming on well (I can walk, jog a bit, cycle and stand on my toes!) but is going to be another 3 or 4 weeks before I can start lurching around like a mad 'un again.


Hope you get some more games soon and I'll get in touch probably when I've tried a gentle game with my sister (much less hectic for torn muscles!) and I think it's ok.



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