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Selfish car drivers.

Guest Mod_Man

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so, now your saying im resentful towards a person driving a big flash car, who may have got themselves into debt to keep up with the jones, i think not, im quite happy with the car i have, and its all paid for. As i said before, you really need to know someone before you pass judgement
i didnt say that at all, you are doing the same thing as you criticised me for, making assumptions. who said that flash cars aren't paid for, people can buy whatever they like for whatever reason, where did that come from? You are presumptuous as well as resentful and i dont even know you as you rightly say
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i didnt say that at all, you are doing the same thing as you criticised me for, making assumptions. who said that flash cars aren't paid for, people can buy whatever they like for whatever reason, where did that come from? You are presumptuous as well as resentful and i dont even know you as you rightly say


so tell me, which part of post number 14 is resentful? As i see it, you have complete different views to me about posh car drivers, thats your choice, i wouldnt dream of coming on here and slating you for it, as i dont know you, just the same as most men have an opinion that women drivers are crap and shouldnt be on the road, that is there opinion most likely based on personal experience

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just the same as most men have an opinion that women drivers are crap and shouldnt be on the road, that is there opinion most likely based on personal experience
i didn't say or suggest that either and that is another generalisation from you, you made the gneralisation in the first place about posh cars and i commented on it thats all. but you have something about you that doesnt seem to like big posh cars and so you are making a generalisation about people who drive them which is patently untrue but, as you say its your opinion. i just wonder why you have that opinion becuase usually people make such comments cos they are jealous or resentful but you say you arent.
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i didn't say or suggest that either and that is another generalisation from you, you made the gneralisation in the first place about posh cars and i commented on it thats all. but you have something about you that doesnt seem to like big posh cars and so you are making a generalisation about people who drive them which is patently untrue but, as you say its your opinion. i just wonder why you have that opinion becuase usually people make such comments cos they are jealous or resentful but you say you arent.


I know you didnt say it, i said "most men" and was using it as an example. Now, if an Aston Martin or TVR was to pass me, i would admire the car, listen for the rumble of the engine, very expensive cars, i dont feel any jealousy or resentment which surely i would if i had a problem, i find these drivers very careful. Im talking about the big flashy top of the range cars that you find on the motorways, in my personal experience ive had so many near misses with these selfish ignorant drivers, for example, driving down the motorway on christmas day morning, doing 70 mph on inside lane, a big flashy merc came down the outside of me doing at least the ton, decided that the junction i was passing was what he wanted, pulled infront of me nearly hitting my car, slammed the breaks on causing me to emergency break, then moving over to the left onto the slip road, when i beeped my horn whilst driving next to him, he stuck up the middle finger as though i was in the wrong. That is just one example of the idiots who drive big flashy cars that think they own the road, so, because of this, in my opinion, they are the most selfish drivers. I am not jealous and resentful that these people drive these cars, im more irrate that they should drive such big engines when they have no respect for other road users, the only thing im guilty of is judging all the decent flashy car owners by the same standards, i know not all of them are idiots. Hope this explains my opinions better

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What is it with car drivers being selfish? There we were, a group of pedestrians, wet, cold and wanting to cross the road. It would have taken five or so seconds for us to cross the road but did a car stop and let us go? Did it buggery? It's hardly like you're going to get wet or cold is it? You're already getting there quicker than the rest of us and you're warm and dry. Where's the consideration for your fellow citizen?



I saw a man attempt to cross the road behind Staples in the city centre yesterday, there was a Jeep type land rover thing coming down the road, which had to slow down a little to let the man cross the road, good lord anyone would have thought the pedestrian had murdered the land rover driver's mother, he hurled so much abuse at the pedestrian. What is it with car owners? Why the need for the selfishness and the nasty attitude towards pedestrians?



Use a dedicated bloody crossing! J Walking is actually ilegal in many countries.

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had you considered the fact that by gesticulating the way you openly admit you were could be seen as behaviour likely to cause a breech of the peace and as such is an arrestable offence.


better take care next time when your rodding people on moorfoot coz them cctv cameras can see you too.


damn shame padestrians don't have to wear some outwardly facing i.d., coz most of them leave their brain at home when they step on to a pavement.


Frankly I do not give a flying fig as I know for a fact that a chav driver who had been speeding and not observing a crossing would get its backside slapped by the police while someone who almost got run over and consequently gave them the rods would be given a handshake by the police.


I can only guess that by supporting the chavs you too must be a chav who regularly ignores zebra crossings?


Oh yes, and I happen to be a driver too. One who does not break the law.

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If you were actually at the junction you have right of way as a pedestrian, I'm pretty sure it's in the highway code, but 3m is probably too far ;)

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