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Selfish car drivers.

Guest Mod_Man

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I know you didnt say it, i said "most men" and was using it as an example. Now, if an Aston Martin or TVR was to pass me, i would admire the car, listen for the rumble of the engine, very expensive cars, i dont feel any jealousy or resentment which surely i would if i had a problem, i find these drivers very careful. Im talking about the big flashy top of the range cars that you find on the motorways, in my personal experience ive had so many near misses with these selfish ignorant drivers, for example, driving down the motorway on christmas day morning, doing 70 mph on inside lane, a big flashy merc came down the outside of me doing at least the ton, decided that the junction i was passing was what he wanted, pulled infront of me nearly hitting my car, slammed the breaks on causing me to emergency break, then moving over to the left onto the slip road, when i beeped my horn whilst driving next to him, he stuck up the middle finger as though i was in the wrong. That is just one example of the idiots who drive big flashy cars that think they own the road, so, because of this, in my opinion, they are the most selfish drivers. I am not jealous and resentful that these people drive these cars, im more irrate that they should drive such big engines when they have no respect for other road users, the only thing im guilty of is judging all the decent flashy car owners by the same standards, i know not all of them are idiots. Hope this explains my opinions better

i think we would have to interrogat the driver to find out whether he did that cos he were in a flashy car and to ask him if he thought he owned the road, we have all been on the recieving end of bad inconsiderate and dsicourteous driving and imho your are wrong to categaorise them as you do, they are just crap drivers whatever they are in. there are other people who would say (and have done on other threads) that the aston martin and tvr drivers are bad and they cite the same sort of reasons except that they say flashy sportscars instead

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  • 14 years later...

Just brought up this thread again after being held in traffic on Tinsley Roundabout this morning directly because of selfish drivers blocking the roundabout causing the whole roundabout to come to a stand still. It's not the first time this has happened with an older man getting out of his car and speaking to drivers who were blocking the left lane exits to move back or forward to let traffic flow.

After this simple obstacle removal the roundabout started to function again within a few minutes and the guys that blocked the roundabout were able to then get on it.

If you can't get on the roundabout without blocking the lane, DONT!


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I’ve been driving largish SUV’s for the past few years as I suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis and need the sit up driving position. Other than being able to drive comfortably I love the all round vision and being able to see over three cars in front of me.


An ignorant/stupid driver will not change their habits no matter what vehicle you put them behind the wheel of, just concentrate on your driving, hopefully in a safe and considerate manner. 🤙

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I’ve decided to stop signalling drivers to say, turn right when I’m in traffic facing them, why is because at least half of them don’t take advantage, I’ve actually been shown the rods by some. My theory is that they have never done this and haven’t got a clue what I’m doing.

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9 minutes ago, crookesey said:

I’ve decided to stop signalling drivers to say, turn right when I’m in traffic facing them, why is because at least half of them don’t take advantage, I’ve actually been shown the rods by some. My theory is that they have never done this and haven’t got a clue what I’m doing.

Hmmm... :huh:

They could also be (like myself) very wary of any cyclists they can't see that may be overtaking the stationary traffic on the inside.


Just saying... :|

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