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Rebels put on hold.


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After having some meetings and discussing Rebels we have decided to put it on hold for now. A few factors have made us come to this decision.


one been as was pointed out in another post the students arent here and most clubs feel the brunt of it when they have gone.


the second is after hearing for the past few years people complaining about corp and wishing they had somewhere else to go, for all their talk they just end up like sheep and follow the crowd, now im not going into whats been said on the grapevine about the future rock scene here but it would be a shame for us to have no rock club. end of the day to make things work places need bums on seats as things do cost money to run.


also the smoking ban, we want to see how this affects bars and clubs as i saw in manchester monday the affect it had on trade over there. i know some places here have had outdoor areas made which is a good thing, but some have just stuck a few table and chairs next to their bins, and i dont think people want to sit next to that all night and keep watch for rats.


now rebels will be back later in the year and maybe not at the same venue as we want to cater for the smokers and already have an idea where it will go so keep your eyes peeled and watch this space.


in the meantime myself, jozafeen, the rest of team batfink and the staff at rebels want to thank everyone that has been and those that showed support (big shout out to the dove and rainbow) and we will see you soon once more.


peace and love y'all

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After having some meetings and discussing Rebels we have decided to put it on hold for now. A few factors have made us come to this decision.


one been as was pointed out in another post the students arent here and most clubs feel the brunt of it when they have gone.


the second is after hearing for the past few years people complaining about corp and wishing they had somewhere else to go, for all their talk they just end up like sheep and follow the crowd, now im not going into whats been said on the grapevine about the future rock scene here but it would be a shame for us to have no rock club. end of the day to make things work places need bums on seats as things do cost money to run.


also the smoking ban, we want to see how this affects bars and clubs as i saw in manchester monday the affect it had on trade over there. i know some places here have had outdoor areas made which is a good thing, but some have just stuck a few table and chairs next to their bins, and i dont think people want to sit next to that all night and keep watch for rats.


now rebels will be back later in the year and maybe not at the same venue as we want to cater for the smokers and already have an idea where it will go so keep your eyes peeled and watch this space.


in the meantime myself, jozafeen, the rest of team batfink and the staff at rebels want to thank everyone that has been and those that showed support (big shout out to the dove and rainbow) and we will see you soon once more.


peace and love y'all



Cheers Doll - Let us all know progress as you have it and when you set up again I may even manage a rare evening out. :thumbsup:

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Indeed, if the venue isn't to be used for rebels what is it going to be used for? I for one would be interested in putting something on there


If you mean it PM me cos I've been looking to do something for quite some time now.

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