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Help in relationship!

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As a bloke I am naturally the voice of evil and Beelzebub in disguise.....but this guy quite clearly is a piece of ****.


Honestly, get rid and find someone who is nice and who loves you dearly, they are out there, you may just have to look a bit harder

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I think he is too immature. If he thinks that he has to sleep with other women to find out what he has missed, then he isn't the one for you imho. You deserve someone better than that. It will be hard, and I am sure that it will take time to get over him too, but you will... Be brave. :)


Why would anyone tell you what they did with an ex? Is he stupid? :confused: If he doesn't even respect you on that basic level, then I don't think you should be the one to teach him. You just don't know whether he will learn from his own mistakes. Gotta leave him to let him figure it all out himself. It's not fair for you, cos you're entitled to a decent relationship too. Why should you have to sit and listen to him talk like that?? Is he really that insensitive?

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Love is blind and sometimes we just need to know that everything will turn out fine, i know taking advice in these circumstances is hard but i agree 100 percent with what everyone has said here get rid and find contentment first then happiness.


If you get back together you know the wheels will come off at some stage in the future there are plenty of decent guys out there who i'm sure will fall in love with and give you a great time, what you need is time and reflection, if someone gets a kick out of hurting you he is just looking for a reaction don't fall for this guys desperate tactics of making you feel small and insignificant he is trying to undermine your undoubted kind heart and forgiving nature

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By the way, even if you still love him and like him a lot. Just distance yourself or call for a break first. Not a break up, but a break. Give yourself time to have a more rational think about it all. Presuming that you want a serious relationship out of this and not just a casual relationship. If he doesn't get it, then I don't think that he is at that kind of stage in his life...

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