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Help in relationship!

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This boy sounds like an immature, callow youth. I suggest that you will be better off without him or his influence, if he doesn't know what he wants from your relationship then he doesn't know his own mind and should be treated like the child which he appears to be.


My advice is steer clear and consign this lad to the 'experience' pile, have a break and then go and find a good man who will love you and treat you right.

Kick out the boys and let the men have a chance - you may well bag yourself a good 'un :thumbsup:

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Think I didn't explan myself too well. we did break up and Im moved out now. Even though I live else where I still see him, and feel I may have made the mistake of seeing him again

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you already knew in your heart of hearts that he was a loser, the mind games the attention seeking , the wanting to know how far he could go - like a small child, as a friend of mine once said "some leopards get exceedingly fond of their spots"

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Think its part of the process- going back to dip your toe in the water to see if you have made right decision. Try and fast forward to when you are 60, is he really good enough and all you want from life? Anyway this is supposed to be the good, easy bit - it gets alot harder when kids come along and the pecking order changes (assuming you have not got kids).. Get rid, get out and have the time of your life - bet you never regret it x

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Things like this make my blood boil. There are far too many nice single guys out there and yet scum like the other half of the OP give everyone male a bad name. The thing I can't fathom is why anyone would ever go back to someone like this?

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