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Unwashed hair self cleaning and amazing

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I think I might give this a go now. My OH already does this and his hair is fantastic and I've never seen him have to deal with knots when brushing it... Luckily I'm on mat leave so if I want I can hide away from everyone until its done.

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  • 3 months later...

I am really tempted to do this, might try after I dye my hair again then it will take a lot longer to wash out too won't it as shampoo rinses all the colour out and water doesn't really...the only thing is those few greasy weeks going to work and going out looking really greasy :(

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  • 3 months later...

I have now not washed my hair since june 2007, which is 26 months! I looks and feels fantastic, has zero split ends and has a sheen and lustre that no shampoo on this planet can ever hope to give you. I had it trimmed recently, just a couple of centimtres off to straighten up the back section, and the hairdresser wanted to know what products I was using as my hair was so 'splendid', and her face when I told her it was unwashed for 26 months was worth capturing on film!! I think I converted even a hairdresser!!


I have therefore proved the theory beyond all doubt that you can just do daily rinse in warm water on your hair, and never use ANY shampoo or conditioners. I get nothing but compliments and everyone wants to know what shampoo I use and how healthy my hair is.......the secret is NOTHING but luke-warm water in a daily shower routine.........if I could bottle it I would make a million, but its one of those things you cannot sell......


Doing my bit for the environment anyway, in just over 2 years saved thousands of gallons of water polluted with shampoo and chemicals from going down the drain, and that makes me feel good. I cant even look at a bottle of shampoo anymore, it makes me cringe even thinking about slapping that stuff on my hair......YUK.


So take it from me, all your doubters, your hair CAN and WILL clean and condition itself with its own natural oils, and will look 1000 times better after a period of time than anything that comes out of a bottle or tube!! Stop killing the environment with those toxic shampoos and conditioners, and also, save your hair from being destroyed by chemicals too.......

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I have now not washed my hair since june 2007, which is 26 months! I looks and feels fantastic, has zero split ends and has a sheen and lustre that no shampoo on this planet can ever hope to give you.


I have therefore proved the theory beyond all doubt that you can just do daily rinse in warm water on your hair, and never use ANY shampoo or conditioners. I get nothing but compliments and everyone wants to know what shampoo I use and how healthy my hair is.......


Doing my bit for the environment anyway, in just over 2 years saved thousands of gallons of water polluted with shampoo and chemicals from going down the drain, and that makes me feel good. I cant even look at a bottlew of shampoo anymore, it makes me cringe even thinking about slapping that stuff on my hair......YUK


Here she is trying to drum up some trade again!....

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