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Unwashed hair self cleaning and amazing

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After reading various reviews about the merits of NEVER washing your hair again using shampoo or conditioners, and just rinsing from time to time in water, I have now been convinced. Not washed my hair for 4 weeks and it feels great, although it takes up to 3 months before the full 'self cleaning' processes to settle down, giving you hair condition that even the most expensive shampoo in the world cannot imitate.


Anyone tried never washing their hair? It goes crap after about 5 days but hold out for 2 weeks and it starts to improve itself, and by week 4, looks healthy and glowing and all the excess oils evaporate away......amazing....never buy shampoo and conditioner again, waste of money and bad for environment:)


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I have now not washed my hair since june 2007, which is 26 months! I looks and feels fantastic, has zero split ends and has a sheen and lustre that no shampoo on this planet can ever hope to give you. I had it trimmed recently, just a couple of centimtres off to straighten up the back section, and the hairdresser wanted to know what products I was using as my hair was so 'splendid', and her face when I told her it was unwashed for 26 months was worth capturing on film!! I think I converted even a hairdresser!!


I have therefore proved the theory beyond all doubt that you can just do daily rinse in warm water on your hair, and never use ANY shampoo or conditioners. I get nothing but compliments and everyone wants to know what shampoo I use and how healthy my hair is.......the secret is NOTHING but luke-warm water in a daily shower routine.........if I could bottle it I would make a million, but its one of those things you cannot sell......


Doing my bit for the environment anyway, in just over 2 years saved thousands of gallons of water polluted with shampoo and chemicals from going down the drain, and that makes me feel good. I cant even look at a bottle of shampoo anymore, it makes me cringe even thinking about slapping that stuff on my hair......YUK.


So take it from me, all your doubters, your hair CAN and WILL clean and condition itself with its own natural oils, and will look 1000 times better after a period of time than anything that comes out of a bottle or tube!! Stop killing the environment with those toxic shampoos and conditioners, and also, save your hair from being destroyed by chemicals too.......


GF, due to my previous job I showered in demin water which takes an age to rinse off so not used shampoo for over 20 years and totally agree.


You will always get the mingers who disagree so let them keep putting crap on their heads.


Bald (if shaved) heads are just a sign of laziness and not accepting that your hair falls out as well!!

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I never shampoo my hair ever, i just rinse with water in the morning; my hair is quite short though.


doesnt matter if its one inch long or 4 metres........the only thing anyone needs is warm water once a day.......your hair does all the rest itself....it really is one of the cleverest natural mechanisms there is which is part of the human body, and hardly anyone acknowledges it.


Stay Natural.........hair shampoo was invented ONLY as a profit making 'accessory' for women originally, it has nothing to do with keeping hair clean.

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  • 10 months later...

There is a reason why we wash our hair with shampoo... Hair is one of the most effective ways of mopping up oil.


A quote from a BBC article:




BP's ruptured oil well in the Gulf of Mexico has highlighted a very environmentally-friendly use for human hair - as a mop for the crude oil.

Each hair follicle has an enormous surface area and is "spiky", so the oil "sticks" to it. This is because it is adsorbent, not absorbent like a sponge. It's why we wash our hair, because it collects the oils our bodies produce. It is also the case with fur and wool.


Hair 'booms' are used to mop up oil

"Hair is an extremely efficient material for taking in all kinds of oils including petroleum," says Lisa Gautier, founder of the ecological charity Matter of Trust, which runs an international Hair for Oil Spills programme.

The hair is stuffed into nylon tights to make "booms", which are shaped like sausages. It is also packed together as mesh-covered hair mats. These help soak up the mess in oil disasters.

The Hair for Oil Spills is an international programme that collects off-cuts from hair salons and pet groomers, sheep farmers and individuals from around the world.

It says more than 370,000 salons and pet groomers worldwide have taken part in the operation to mop up the oil still being spewed out off the coast of Louisiana. The charity says in just one month enough hair, fur and wool was donated to make 25 miles of booms.

The idea of using human hair to mop up oil spills was the brain child of US hair stylist Phil McCory. Watching the Exxon Valdez disaster unfold on TV in 1989, he noticed how hard it was for volunteers to clean oil from otters because it was trapped in their fur. He tested to see if it was the same with human hair and it was.

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