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3 for 3 for sheffield kickboxers

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Well done to Yousif and Anth from AFK who both fought today in derbyshire and won. Anth who is a nutural boxer kicked his way to a unanimus decision and Yousif totally outclassed his oponent using every technique in the book. Also Daniel Renshaw from black dragons stopped his opponent in the second round using a combination of kicks and punches, he repeatedly landed right hooks to the face of his oppenent without any response from his oponent resulting in the referee calling an end to the contest.

Well done to all of the lads you did yourself and your clubs pround.

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It goes to show that sheffield's kickboxing clubs can really work together when they leave all the bickering, greed and political differences on the cutting room floor.

So far only AFK and Black Dragons have worked together as a combined sheffield squad.

What is wrong with the rest of you guys! Come on ! If me and Claude can do things like this why cant the rest of you ?

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