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Are You a Communist?

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I painted my conservative blue mini neon pink in the 80's during Maggies reign and called it Trotski does that count :hihi::hihi:


Ahh the 'good old days' when we knew which side we were on. As opposed to now when nobody's on our side.

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I believe in the following things:

1. nationalisation of the transport network.

2. alternative energy sources ( we aint gonna have the fossil fuels very long)

3.tougher sentences for violent crime ( ship em off to some godforsaken Island and set em to some rock breaking)

4.repatriation of all 'true anglo saxons' back to saxony ( learn to speak Deutsch nazi boy!)

5. nuclear disarmament ( lead by example, promote peace)

and various other stuff, but hey, I'm a bit of a dreamer, an idealist, I'd like it if we could all just muddle along together and start spreading a bit of love instead of fear and hate.


there isnt a real democracy any more, theyre pretty much all the same, just a set of liars and thieves.

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there isnt a real democracy any more, theyre pretty much all the same, just a set of liars and thieves.


Sadly true. Different hat same self-serving control freak.

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I believe in the following things:

1. nationalisation of the transport network.

2. alternative energy sources ( we aint gonna have the fossil fuels very long)

3.tougher sentences for violent crime ( ship em off to some godforsaken Island and set em to some rock breaking)

4.repatriation of all 'true anglo saxons' back to saxony ( learn to speak Deutsch nazi boy!)

5. nuclear disarmament ( lead by example, promote peace)

and various other stuff, but hey, I'm a bit of a dreamer, an idealist, I'd like it if we could all just muddle along together and start spreading a bit of love instead of fear and hate.


there isnt a real democracy any more, theyre pretty much all the same, just a set of liars and thieves.


Tend to agree with those...am so confused, I consider myself a leftie ( don't care if people throw insults at me for it, was brought up in a working class family and will not vote conservative, end of the story) but on the other hand i agree that we need tougher sentences for violent crimes.

Hate Sarkozy with a passion, but got to say I'm glad he refused to grant Bastille Day pardons..


so are we supposed to just alternate right wing and left wing governments because neither of them ever gets it right?

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What we need is more representational government. Remember the whole thing about referendums [referenda?]. Let's ask the people what they want and then implement it. That'd be at least a step towards democracy.

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I was involved in the Poll Tax riots - does that count ?


(actually, "involved" could be missleading, what I meant was "I barricaded myself in a pub during the poll tax riots" )


Could be good practice for when the zombies attack, like Shaun of the Dead.


My grandad was a member for years, then spent the last years of his life voting for Maggie Thatcher. Strange how when you get older your voting habits can change so drasticaly.

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Tend to agree with those...am so confused, I consider myself a leftie ( don't care if people throw insults at me for it, was brought up in a working class family and will not vote conservative, end of the story) but on the other hand i agree that we need tougher sentences for violent crimes.

Hate Sarkozy with a passion, but got to say I'm glad he refused to grant Bastille Day pardons..


so are we supposed to just alternate right wing and left wing governments because neither of them ever gets it right?




You are what is known as authoritarian left (as opposed to liberal left). You have a lot of left-wing beliefs and principles, but still want tough state control on crime etc.


See below - very interesting:



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You are what is known as authoritarian left (as opposed to liberal left). You have a lot of left-wing beliefs and principles, but still want tough state control on crime etc.


See below - very interesting:




I just went and did this again and it actually put me almost where I expected to be!


Libertarian - Left!


I have to say that I expected to be more right wing economically, but there you go.


I share my quadrant with Nelson Mandela, Ghandi, and the Dalai Llama. I can handle that. :)


Carmencarter - one of the things today is to actually note that you DON'T have to follow a 'slate' political position. I find it increasigly difficult to vote for political parties today because I want to vote for policies, and find that the policies offered 'off the shelf' by particular parties rarely meet my desires.

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