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Jessops hospital pictures

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Hi, i am trying to find a picture of the room where i was born in Jessops - I know which room it was exactly and it faced on to Broad St. All the pictures online are from other sides of the building. I always meant to take a picture before it disappeared forever and now its too late - so if anyone can help I would be really grateful...

thanks very much


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Not the oldest part but all the rest has gone now. Sheffield University bought it after Jessops had a new building built next to the Hallamshire. If you go search BBC South Yorkshire there are pictures about it.

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There is a book that was published in the last few years, which is a history of Women's services in Sheffield. This book focusses mainly on the old Jessops hospital For Women. (in local NHS speak the "JHW") I believe the title is "A history of women's services in sheffield", (rather uninspiringly, for such an excellent book!).


My aunt is featured, telling her stories of the premature births of her children, and how the SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit) were instrumnetal in their survival.


There are many wonderful old photographs featured in the book. I don't believe the pics are available through PictureSheffield's site, unfortunately.


I recommend it as a very interesting read, telling the story of the development of the JHW from quite humble beginnings.

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