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Does your grandparent/parent use the computer?

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I have tried to get my mom to get a computer telling her how useful she would find the internet but she is having none of it.


Are the older generations missing out on the technology of today?


Does your parent/grandparent use the computer?

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I am having enough fun with my Parents getting use to their mobile phones.


My mum keeps ringing me up and asking me about menu options on a phone I have never seen before.


It took her 2 hours to text me a message which I replied to straight away and then she rang me on her landline to check I had got it. :D


Bless them :D

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I have given my folks my old iMac, since I've traded up. they've had it in the house for six months and it only got set up (by me) last week.


My Dad is really keen to learn and is on there (dial-up connection) nightly. However, I have now become his personal IT advisor. I can't tell you what a pain that is, but I reckon once he's got his head around the basics, he'll be sorted.


My Mom is a different story. She won't go near it. She keps comparing it to ehr mobile phone, which she's had for a year or two, but never switches on or takes out. I keep telling her that using a computer is far less taxing than cooking a Christmas Dinner, and she manages that every year!


The other night I e-mailed them some photos of our new house (I live quite a way from them) and they got so excited... How cool is that?!

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Tell your Dad to keep at it, theres a lot of pleasure/knowledge sitting there in that computer. I was well in my 60's when I first tackled it. Went to lessons, where the first thing he taught me was how to switch it on. I had never even learned to typed before so if I can do your dad can.



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Luckily you don't get a lot of pop-ups (actually you don't get any) with Mac software, and it's a lot more user-friendly, but my worry is that they'll become au-fait with the Mac, then not be able to transfer the knowledge to PCs at work.


As I remember. making the transistion from PCs to Mac for me was a little strange, but it didn't take long to get used to. However, I've been playing around on computers since the early 80s... They haven't!


Still, they'll get it.

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Yes... My Mum has a pc... and is quite good...


She talks to me through MSN :lol: cheaper than phone calls... when i lived in bournemouth i used to put my web cam onto so she could see her daughter... :D lol I will probably do the same once i get settled here :)


She's even joined te friends reunited site and was contacted by one of her school friends from years ago... as far as i am aware they are still in touch...

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I bought my dad a pc for his birthday a few weeks ago, for he is not very mobile and loves gaming.


....after the first 4 weeks of filling that b****y technical support fole, he can`t keep my mum of the thing.


A decent gaming computer with BB connection used to research a family tree and chat rooms.... should have got them a used P1 instead!!!!!

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My Dad can cope with a computer, however when it goes wrong it's another matter :P. He usually uses the computer for internet banking and for the odd bit of typing.


My mum does occasionally. She isn't very good with them, strange considering she uses computers at work and therefore more than I do!


Don't even ask about my grandparents :lol: they wouldn't know where to start!

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Originally posted by John

I have tried to get my mom to get a computer telling her how useful she would find the internet but she is having none of it.


Are the older generations missing out on the technology of today?


Does your parent/grandparent use the computer?

Hi I have had my pc for 5 years & I am pretty good with it,my wife finds technology a bit daunting,she has trouble with the mobile & I have learned my grandson how to use the pc,so we oldies can learn you younguns as well.Tell your Mom to give your comp a go & when she takes over your pc don't complain LOL
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