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Riding the snake.

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I’m really busy at the moment so here is a very short story which is based upon an Arabic fable, the first person to post up the name of


(a) The town

(b) The song and

© The snakes correct "alpha numeric designation"


wins a beer flavoured JPEG. Its Easy. :D


Riding the Snake


They rode hard as the snake slithered beneath them like a turbulent black ribbon, they rode hard because it was a journey they had done many times and they knew when to push.


The man with the silver helmet rode his mount with a ferocious concentration; supremely confident of his ability, he was always one last heartbeat away from entering the next world and the wind kissed his body in admiration as he passed.


They slowed as they passed the town with the crooked spire and dropped down the hill into the valley, below them was a seaside town with no sea, an Alpine cable car with no Alps, a Gulliver’s kingdom with no Lilliputians.


They dismounted and the mans companion walked to the market to purchase food, he returned, white and trembling, saying unto his friend that, just now, in the market, I was jostled by a woman and when I turned around I saw it was death.


She looked straight at me and made a threatening gesture; I am leaving now, I am not returning to Manchester but am running as far away as I can to avoid my fate, maybe abroad, and with that, he mounted his motorcycle and accelerated away like a bat out of hell.


The man with the silver helmet walked down to the market place, he saw me standing in the crowd, strode over to me and asked why did you make a threatening gesture to my friend?


That was not a threatening gesture, I said, he startled me, I was simply astonished to find him here as I had an appointment with him tonight in Dover.


The End

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so we dont have to PM this one, in that case......


(a) The town (Matlock bath)

(b) The song (im still pondering on this one)

© The snakes correct "alpha numeric designation" (57)


Had a ponder and I think Im going for " The Pusher" by Steppenwolf

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I’m really busy at the moment so here is a very short story which is based upon an Arabic fable, the first person to post up the name of


(a) The town

(b) The song and

© The snakes correct "alpha numeric designation"


wins a beer flavoured JPEG. Its Easy. :D


Riding the Snake


(a) The town is Matlock Bath. (NB they pass by Chesterfield, but their destination is Matlock Bath).

(b) The song is Bat Out of Hell by Meatloaf.

© I haven't a clue! :huh:

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so we dont have to PM this one, in that case......


(a) The town (Matlock bath)

(b) The song (im still pondering on this one)

© The snakes correct "alpha numeric designation" (57)


Please explain © coyleys .I'm intrigued and stupid !!!!!!:rolleyes:

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