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Fitness unlimited ..classes ??

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hi there

joined about a month ago and really loving it , but just doing the gym and swimming upto now 3 times a week (concord) but i could go to any venue


i know there are lots of classes , and i am looking at a few possibilities as i think it's a good idea to keep it varied so not to get fed-up


the problem is i work different days every week , if you did a class , would it matter if you didn't go every week , just when i was off , or best not to do that

what do you think ??


what classes do you do and where ? , and what do you think of them ?

i am off peak membership


thank you

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I used to be a member there. Just go to whatever classes you want, whenever you want. It doesnt matter if you cant go to the same classes every week. Depends how fit you are as to which classes you should go to. Just avoiding spinning at all costs! Unless you are an olympic athelete

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