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Pets to be charged or Racism?

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Originally posted by carcrash

But this is no different from the other ****e that the BNP come out with. Are you going to run as an independent BNP candidate.

I am in a between moment of whether it is worth representing anyone.

My experience tells me that the people in Sheffield are fed up with the main steam parties but also could't be bothered to vote for anyone unless they were part of a party.


An independent BNP candidate???


I stand for all the things that are not worthy of any parties


Truth Justice and local issues.

I am losing my faith in doing what I do and would love to return to an attitude of....I dont care.


That way! I can become accepted into a society where people don't give a ****!!!


I am doing that now and will be like the masses......take all the crap and whinge... without actually saying anything.

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Originally posted by draggletail

It's unbelievable that they fell for this and published it. As if you could try an animal in a court of law:loopy:


there are actually numerous examples of animals being tried in english courts. The most recent i believe was a monkey that was tried and convicted of spying in Hull during the 2nd world war.

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Originally posted by DerekH

I read with some amusement the following report and wonder what this world is coming to.


Pet owners have been warned that they could be held responsible for the racist actions of their animals under Britain's anti-hate legislation.


This warning came after astonishing scenes at a English magistrates court earlier this week. "Trigger", a former brewery dray horse of some 12 years but who now entertains children who are able to pet him and ride on him at fetes and fairs was brought before the court for alleged racist behaviour, namely that on April 1st this year, "Trigger" did cause a racially aggravated assault by rearing up on his hind legs and throwing to the ground Ali Khan at a country fair at Follyton near Luton, Beds.


Is it just me or are we now living in a mental society?


WTF?! Could be a new branch of teh BNP, British National Pets.... :lol:


Seriously though it sounds stupid to me.

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Originally posted by Cyclone

there are actually numerous examples of animals being tried in english courts. The most recent i believe was a monkey that was tried and convicted of spying in Hull during the 2nd world war.

This is barking (pun intended!) animals don't understand laws, so they certainly wouldn't know if they broke one, so could not be held accountable, and punishing an animal for breaking a law would surely be 'animal cruelty' which we all know is a (criminal?) offence:loopy:

Tell me you're pulling my leg, Cyclone:D

I've fallen for it, haven't I:D

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Originally posted by Cyclone

there are actually numerous examples of animals being tried in english courts. The most recent i believe was a monkey that was tried and convicted of spying in Hull during the 2nd world war.

was the monkey british???

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Originally posted by alexdave67

No French!


Hangus The Monkey!


Hung in Hartlepool for being a spy! Oh that was the Napoleonic War!

<<Sad!! the only monkeys I know at present are in the sheffield Council.....OMG the laws have changed...Or Have they???


Under the new human rights issues...THey are interlectual beings that require your respect.....and money...no matter what..!!!

Consider them spies at your own peril!!

I have tonight phoned in to the MOD to offer my services....I am well versed in how to blow up anything with anything....However! after being blown up myself on one occasion in Oshokati!...They don't need my expertise.


Nice to be remembered in one way....but I would like to go out in a blaze of glory...

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actual e'mail to the BNP!!!



Herewith...My resignation as the first candidate to stand in Sheffield.

My reasons?? You may well ask! Is the website that gives out stories that are pure rubbish!! please read the pets story!


Not only is this a piece of total crap but also shows up the intelligence of the very people that stand for the BNP!


May I state that After working many hours to go forward with the BNP the comments/stories on the website clearly wipe out all credibility that we had here in Sheffield.


I for 1 will be going independent from next year......and believe me! I will!! do damage to the BNP in Sheffield on the grounds that you are a pathetic bunch of gullible idiots that are preying on peoples fears with stories that are far from the truth!!

You do not give facts nor do you check stories before you publish!!

I hang my head in shame for ever standing for a bunch of insignificant assholes as yourselves.


Hope you print this one as I will be campaigning with your website bull****....for childrens tv!!!with a horse named trigger that also talks crap like yourselves.


Derek Hutchinson ...Handsworth Ward..(formerly)


I hope that should I meet an unforseen demise in my health that at least you all have read what I have stated herein

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Well done for leaving the racist, lying, bigotted BNP! :clap:

Does this mean that you will no longer support the racist parties in South Africa?


P.S. Royjames, please don't bother sending another of your PMs accusing me of being hostile. As you claim to know where I live, maybe you could just do the usual BNP thing and put some dog poo through my letter box instead.

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