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Pets to be charged or Racism?

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Originally posted by DerekH

I will be doing just that!...Thanks for the support.


Disco Cat!...I will not discredit any party!..........may they be right or wrong they deserve to have their opinions.


I would be like a fascist to dictate what another person or party should do or say...So there you go....Thank you for the support also.


I have decided to stand as an independent in the next elections which will take place in 2006...thus giving me time to put right some wrongs....


Don’t think theirs anything Fascist about voicing your opinions on or opposition to a political party. can’t really see Democracy working at all if we don’t have that ability.


And from your previous posts I'd say you’ve already done quite a bit to discredit the BNP:


“you are a pathetic bunch of gullible idiots that are preying on peoples fears with stories that are far from the truth!!

You do not give facts nor do you check stories before you publish!!

I hang my head in shame for ever standing for a bunch of insignificant assholes as yourselves.”


I agree with everything I've just quoted from you, but the danger on your part is that without a publicly recognised denouncement of the BNP other parties will be able to base campaign against you on your former membership of the BNP.


And of course their is the huge amount of good publicity you can get to replace the bad publicity you will lose.


It goes without saying i have my own ulterior motives in asking you to contact the press about quitting the BNP, but the Star have taken a very strong line on the BNP and I'm sure they would make a big news story out of this.

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Originally posted by theflyingfish

reading the entire thread (these things get a bit tedious covering the same ground again and again), forgive me if I repeat what someone has already said, but a man in Germany WAS charged after he trained his dog to gove a nazi salute whenever he said "heil Hitler"


source? I'm only wondering because I don't know how you could make a dog give a Nazi salute without breaking one of its forelegs. A monkey or an ape, sure, but a dog? Sure he wasn't just lifting his paw to shake hands?


The only animal whose evidence is acceptable in a court of law is a bloodhound (IIRC).

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'fraid it's true phan:


Sydney, Feb. 7 (ANI): A German businessman who trained his dog, Adolf, to raise its paw in a Hitler salute has been sentenced to 13 months' probation for violating laws banning neo-Nazi activities.


According to The Australian, two police witnesses and a ticket-seller said that Roland Thein and his dog criss-crossed Berlin looking for people to provoke.


For years, the dog, kept in a kennel marked Adolf, allowed Thein to shout Nazi slogans while pretending to bark orders at it.


When he spotted a foreigner coming, Thein shouted: "Sieg heil!", "Adolf sit!", "Give the salute!". The dog, an alsatian vaguely resembling Hitler's favourite pet, Blondie, obeyed.


Thein, 54, who runs a truck dealership and a wine import business, responded by taking out a comb and brushing his hair to resemble Hitler's distinctive fringe.


Thein was charged with wearing a shirt with banned Nazi symbols, including the swastika, taunting foreign schoolchildren, shouting Nazi slogans in the middle of a Turkish market in Berlin, and insulting a policeman.


However, German lawyers were uncertain whether yelling Nazi catchphrases at a dog constitutes an offence. So, Thein escaped with a 240 dollars fine. (ANI)


I remember reading it on Ananova and a quick google brought it up.

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Originally posted by max

'fraid it's true phan:




I remember reading it on Ananova and a quick google brought it up.

And still, It was the man who was charged not his dog......


As you can teach an animal to do a lot of things...the animal cannot be prosecuted on the grounds that the animal doesnt know right from wrong and only obeys the commands given by it's master.

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Originally posted by max

'fraid it's true phan:




I remember reading it on Ananova and a quick google brought it up.


It sounds like the dog 'saluting' was not the offence in question, and merely an ancillary detail of the sort the press is so fond of, as the gent in question was....


sentenced to 13 months' probation for violating laws banning neo-Nazi activities.


note - not sentenced for teaching a dog to raise its paw.


Anyone able to answer the question, how can a dog give a nazi salute?

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

It sounds like the dog 'saluting' was not the offence in question, and merely an ancillary detail of the sort the press is so fond of, as the gent in question was....




note - not sentenced for teaching a dog to raise its paw.


Anyone able to answer the question, how can a dog give a nazi salute?

Phan.....My dog salutes with her paw straight up in front of her when she wants petting and a few treats.....

This is done mainly when she is trying to tap me on the leg...to tell me she wants something.


OMG!! Have I got a racist dog????

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Well first of all I am not going to comment on derek or internal party buisness apart from this one comment.

Right I have e mailed those responsible for the web site and I have received a reply which says that the article in question was indeed a SPOOF and was made up for a bit of fun.

They also told me that if you read it enough you will clearly see that there were intentional mistakes and clues in it.

I hope this has cleared this one up.;)

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Originally posted by royjames

Well first of all I am not going to comment on derek or internal party buisness apart from this one comment.

Right I have e mailed those responsible for the web site and I have received a reply which says that the article in question was indeed a SPOOF and was made up for a bit of fun.

They also told me that if you read it enough you will clearly see that there were intentional mistakes and clues in it.

I hope this has cleared this one up.;)


I’ve read a few articles on the BNP news website that are as factually incorrect as this horse story.


Are their any other articles that were intended as ‘spoofs’ but their inclusion in the news section meant that BNP members believed them to be genuine and used them as the basis for campaigns.


For example the BNP leaflet distributed throughout Essex claiming that the local council had struck a deal with Hackney council agreeing to house their overflow of tenants, of course crap, but maybe people didn't realise the BNP meant it as a ‘spoof’


You can see how we are confused when the BNP include such hilarious satire in their main news section of the website.

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Originally posted by royjames

Well first of all I am not going to comment on derek or internal party buisness apart from this one comment.

Right I have e mailed those responsible for the web site and I have received a reply which says that the article in question was indeed a SPOOF and was made up for a bit of fun.

They also told me that if you read it enough you will clearly see that there were intentional mistakes and clues in it.

I hope this has cleared this one up.;)


Nice one Roy, Normally one would state that the following story'/Stories are spoofs at the onset.


We could all see the clues!


I would call it irresponsible journalism where fictional stories are published in the same way as factual.

The only time that stories of this nature could be passed off as a bit of fun would be on April 1s, It seems to me that The BNP website is stuck in time on April 1st and as the saying goes.

It is the ones who put out April fool stories out after 12 midday april 1, that are the fools.


One good thing!! I can now printout the website and read all the stories on April 1st, knowing now that the stories there in are written for such an occasion.


ROY! please can you confim that the story at the foot of the article is also part of the spoof??

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Originally posted by royjames

Well first of all I am not going to comment on derek or internal party buisness apart from this one comment.

Right I have e mailed those responsible for the web site and I have received a reply which says that the article in question was indeed a SPOOF and was made up for a bit of fun.

They also told me that if you read it enough you will clearly see that there were intentional mistakes and clues in it.

I hope this has cleared this one up.;)


What a cop-out! :o


But it is nice to have it officially from the powers in the BNP that their website is a spoof site, and is not actually meant to be taken seriously! I pity those gullible voters in Burnley and a few other places who thought it was serious!

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